Programming, IT Engineering and Consulting
apk update
apk upgrade
apk add icewm nano geany xterm picom thunar
apk add icewm-themes
apk add volumeicon-alsa volumeicon
apk add pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa alsa-utils pavucontrol
rc-update add pulseaudio
nano ~/.xinitrc
icewmbg &
volumeicon &
picom &
pulseaudio --start
exec icewm-session
nano ~/.icewm/preferences
If you want icons on desktop, please use pcmanfm:
apk add pcmanfmadd this to ~/.xinitrc
pcmanfm --desktop &
You need to select background image again from pcmanfm if you want to see your background wallpaper again!
You can use thunar to copy desktop shortcut icons from /usr/share/applications to ~/Desktop.
You have to restart the system for the changes to take place.
Mod + Enter New terminal
Mod + F Make current window fullscreen
Mod + Shift + Q Quit program
Mod + Shift + E Exit Sway
Mod + Shift + C Reload Sway configuration
Mod + Shift + - Move window to scratchpad
Mod + - Show scratchpad
Mod + 0..9 Change current workspace
Mod + Shift + 0..9 Move current window to designated workspace
Mod + B Horizontal layout
Mod + V Vertical layout
Mod + S Stacking layout
Mod + E Toggle split layout
Mod + W Tabbed layout
Mod + A Focus on parent container
Mod + Space Swap focus between tiling and floating
Mod + Shift + Space Toggle floating mode
Mod + Tab Next workspace
Mod + Shift + Tab Previous workspace
Mod + Left/Right/Up/Down Move focus of the window
Mod + Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down Move the focused window in the workspace
To resize windows, you must enter resize mode, with the Mod + R keybinding. After you enter resize mode you can resize windows with Left/Right/Up/Down keys, and press enter or escape to return to default mode.
Alpine Linux IceWM =
apk add icewm
nano ~/.xinitrc
exec icewm-session
[ctrl + O] [ctrl + X]
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