Thursday, May 31, 2018

Aplikacija Tragac++ 6 je native windows portable aplikacija koja se ne instalira i radi na bilo kom uredjaju, folderu, usb flash, cd, dvd, ...

Application download:


When you download application in ZIP format, please uncompress that archive file with password: "raspakuj". This ZIP file contents portable EXE application for Windows OS .

Portable aplikacija je ona aplikacija koja može da se pokrene sa bilo kog uredjaja i foldera pod Windowsom bez potrebe da se instalira.

Aplikacija Tragac - Aplikacija Tragach - #TRAGACH++#OTVARACH++ za Windows - Download - besplatno preuzimanje !

Aplikaciju Tragac i Otvarac za Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 možete svuda da nosite sa sobom jer je to portable aplikacija koja se ne instalira.

You can carry your #TRAGACH++#OTVARACH++  for Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 with you everywhere because it is a portable application that is not installed.

Znači slobodno je možete prekopirati na USB, memory stick i koristiti  svuda gde god da se zateknete.

You can overlay the application on a USB memory stick and use it wherever you go.

Aplikacija #Tragach++ za Windows Vam omogucuje da na svakom uredjaju na kome je pokrenete preuzmete spisak svih datoteka u tekstualnom obliku i to koristite kao dokazni materijal.

The #Tragach++  for Windows application lets you download a list of all the files in a text form on each device on which you run it and use it sss as as evidence.

Duplim klikom na neku od pronadjenih datoteka, ona se može ekspresno otvoriti. A spisak svih pronadjenih datoteka se može prekopirati u Clipboard Windows-a i koristiti u bilo kom programu, npr. u Word-u ili Excel-u.

Double clicking on any of the files found, it can be opened expressly. A list of all the files found can be copied to Clipboard Windows and used in any program, for example, in Word or Excel.

#Tragach++  ne trebaju administratorska prava da bi radila.

Application #Tragach++  do not need administrator rights to work.
Tako nešto nigde niste videli, morate probati da biste poverovali svojim očima.

You have not seen anything like this, you must try to believe with your own eyes.

Der antrag finder für Microsoft Windows...
Der beste Dateibrowser auf Ihrem Computer...

Za aplikaciju #Tragach++ , ne treba Vam nikakav android emulator za Windows da bi radila, to je Native Windows Portable aplikacija koja radi direktno u Windowsu najvećom mogućom brzinom i nema nikakve veze sa androidom. 

Ovo je originalna Windows aplikacija #Tragach++  i ni jedna druga slična joj nije ni približna. 

Dakle ne treba Vam BlueStacks, Nox, KOPlayer i slični emulatori, ova aplikacija Tragač radi bez svega toga na bilo kom Windows uredjaju, pa čak i sa usb fleš diska, cd-a i dvd-a.

Jelena Gavrilovic

Monday, May 14, 2018

Aplikacija Tragač 6.9.8. za Microsoft Windows 7,8,10

Application download:

Preuzmite aplikaciju Tragac 6 besplatno

free download


When you download application in ZIP format, please uncompress that archive file with password: "raspakuj". This ZIP file contents portable EXE application for Windows OS .

Portable aplikacija je ona aplikacija koja može da se pokrene sa bilo kog uredjaja i foldera pod Windowsom bez potrebe da se instalira.

Aplikacija Tragac - Aplikacija Tragach - Tragac 6.9.8 za Windows - Download - besplatno preuzimanje !

Aplikaciju TRAGAČ++ 6.9.8.  za Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 možete svuda da nosite sa sobom jer je to portable aplikacija koja se ne instalira.

You can carry your TRAGACH for Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 with you everywhere because it is a portable application that is not installed.

Znači slobodno je možete prekopirati na USB, memory stick i koristiti  svuda gde god da se zateknete.

You can overlay the application on a USB memory stick and use it wherever you go.

Aplikacija Tragac++ za Windows Vam omogucuje da na svakom uredjaju na kome je pokrenete preuzmete spisak svih datoteka u tekstualnom obliku i to koristite kao dokazni materijal.

The "Tragac 5 for Windows" Application lets you download a list of all the files in a text form on each device on which you run it and use it sss as as evidence.

Duplim klikom na neku od pronadjenih datoteka, ona se može ekspresno otvoriti. A spisak svih pronadjenih datoteka se može prekopirati u Clipboard Windows-a i koristiti u bilo kom programu, npr. u Word-u ili Excel-u.

Double clicking on any of the files found, it can be opened expressly. A list of all the files found can be copied to Clipboard Windows and used in any program, for example, in Word or Excel.

Aplikaciji Tragač++ ne trebaju administratorska prava da bi radila.

Application TRAGACH ++6 do not need administrator rights to work.

Tako nešto nigde niste videli, morate probati da biste poverovali svojim očima.

You have not seen anything like this, you must try to believe with your own eyes.

Der antrag finder für Microsoft Windows...
Der beste Dateibrowser auf Ihrem Computer...

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Najbolji sistem za baze podataka za DŽ (ovo je 727 post na ovom blogu do sada - ČESTITAMO)

    ime varchar(40),
    adresa varchar(80),
    telefon varchar(20),
    mobilni varchar(20),
    email varchar(30),
    jmbg varchar(13),
    ziro varchar(18),
    pin varchar(4),
    napomena varchar(1000)

--drop table lice;

INSERT INTO lice VALUES (DEFAULT,'Mitar Mirich', 'Trg Pobeglog Junaka 4, 21000 Novi Sad', '021-6877-?1?', '064-2434?33?', '', '1234567890123', '123123456789012312', '1941', 'Napomena');

select * from lice;



How to Restart Your PC’s Graphics Drivers

To restart your graphics drivers, press Win+Ctrl+Shift+B on your keyboard.
Your screen will go black for a split second and you’ll hear a beep. Everything will then reappear just as it was before you pressed the hotkey. All your current applications remain open, and you won’t lose any work.
We even tried this shortcut while playing a PC game. The game kept running properly after we used the shortcut. That’s because Windows just restarts the graphics subsystem. All your applications are left alone and will continue running normally.
This keyboard shortcut is part of the Windows 10 operating system, so it will restart NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel graphics drivers. Whatever graphics hardware your PC has, it will work.

How to Recover From a Freeze

There’s no guarantee that this will fix a system freeze. However, if your computer froze because of a problem with your graphics drivers, this shortcut may fix it. This shortcut can fix freezes that occur while playing 3D games, but it can also recover from freezes that occur while you’re just using your PC normally. Windows 10 uses your graphics hardware to accelerate the drawing of your desktop and even modern web browsers use it to speed up web page rendering.
If you see a black screen or you’re stuck in an unresponsive full-screen game, be sure to try the Ctrl+Alt+Delete shortcut after restarting your graphics drivers. You can also try pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager directly, or press Alt+Tab or Win+Tab to try switching applications.
If your computer doesn’t respond to any of these keyboard shortcuts, even after you restart its graphics driver, you’ll probably need to perform a hard shutdown. To do so, press your computer’s power button and hold it down for about ten seconds, until the PC powers off. Wait a few seconds before turning the PC back on with the power button. It’s not good for your computer to power it off in this way, but this is all you can do if your PC is frozen.
Of course, if you see a blue screen of death, this shortcut won’t help. The blue screen of death indicates that your Windows operating system has completely crashed, and all you can do is restart your PC.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Delete files in Delphi

I checked the readonly property of the files. The directory d:\multifilter was write-protected (I could not change this) but all files in it could be manipulated ad libitum.
So I checked if with inclusion of
Code: Pascal  [Select]
  1. deletefile(d:\multifilter\b0.jpg);
at the beginning of the program b0.jpg was deleted, ok.

Code: Pascal  [Select]
  1. files:='d:\multifilter\');
  2. deletefile(files+'b1.jpg');

Code: Pascal  [Select]
  1.   files:='d:\multifilter\');
  2.   n:=2;
  3.   Str(n,nstring);
  4.   fbstring:=files+'b'+nstring+'.jpg';
  5.   deletefile(fbstring);

Code: Pascal  [Select]
  1.   for n:=0 to nmax-1 do
  2.   begin
  3.   Str(n,nstring);
  4.   fbstring:=files+'b'+nstring+'.jpg';
  5.   deletefile(fbstring);
  6.   end;

But the deletefile() directly before the savefile() (as discussed before) later on in the program does not work. Very rare! (The savefile() alone did not overwrite the old files - this was the cause of the whole problem).
So, I put the deletes at the first possible place (when it is clear if and how many files have to be deleted). And it works!


Example code : Try to delete a file twice
  fileName : string;
  myFile   : TextFile;
  data     : string;

  // Try to open a text file for writing to
  fileName := 'Test.txt';
  AssignFile(myFile, fileName);

  // Write to the file
  Write(myFile, 'Hello World');

  // Close the file

  // Reopen the file in read mode

  // Display the file contents
  while not Eof(myFile) do
    ReadLn(myFile, data);

  // Close the file for the last time

  // Now delete the file
  if deletefile(fileName)
  then ShowMessage(fileName+' deleted OK')
  else ShowMessage(fileName+' not deleted');

  // Try to delete the file again
  if deletefile(fileName)
  then ShowMessage(fileName+' deleted OK again!')
  else ShowMessage(fileName+' not deleted, error = '+
Show full unit code
   Hello World
   Test.txt deleted OK
   Test.txt not deleted, error = 2

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Aplikacije Otvarač i Tragač za Microsoft Windows preuzete više od 20.000 puta do danas


Aplikacija Tragac - Aplikacija Tragach - Tragac++6 - Download

Aplikaciju TRAGAČ za Microsoft Windows 7, 8, 10 možete svuda da nosite sa sobom jer je to portable aplikacija koja se ne instalira.

Znači slobodno je možete prekopirati na memory stick ili memorijski fleš i koristiti je svuda gde god da se zateknete.

Aplikacija Tragac za Windows Vam omogucuje da na svakom uredjaju na kome je pokrenete preuzmete spisak svih datoteka u tekstualnom obliku i to koristite kao dokazni materijal.

Aplikaciji Tragač  (Ultimate Treker++6) ne trebaju administratorska prava da bi radila.


Aplikacija OTVARAC je svojevrstan TimeLine za otvarane dokumente i aplikacije u Windowsu, ali ne kao što je to Microsoft zamislio, nego prikazuju samo ono što Vi otvorite aplikacijom Otvarač. 

Aplikacija Otvarac - Aplikacija Otvarach - Aplikacija Otvarac2 - Download

Tako je preglednost mnogo bolja, a dokumenti se lakše nalaze.

Aplikacije Otvarač i Tragač za Microsoft Windows preuzete više od 20.000 puta do danas !