Friday, July 31, 2020

Popular tech

WT web server C++:

 five links that are worth your time:

1. This Deep Learning Crash Course will teach you all about Neural Networks, Activation Functions, Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and other key concepts and terms. (90 minute video course):

2. How to build your own online store in just one day using AWS, React, and Stripe. You'll design the architecture, add the plugins, and even create some serverless functions. (1 hour video course):

3. How to convert your simple HTML websites into a blazing fast Node.js web apps. This step-by-step guide will help you design a web server and deploy it to the cloud. (16 minute read):

4. Concise code isn't always clean code. Here's how to avoid common code readability pitfalls. (7 minute read):

5. If you want to automate parts of your day-to-day work, one tool is Natural Language Processing. This primer will show you how to use NLP through Google's popular BERT library. (11 minute read):

C++ for professionals    POS fiscal solutions

Super korisna aplikacija


Bitcoin (BTC): 12naKZXJvKGmBUNJ7iVtpRzwtQE1xiF5h1

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Windows 10 on RAM




+Visoko naponski grid za ubijanje insekata+

-Zamka za komarce-
Potrebno vam je: plastična boca, 200 ml tople vode, 50 gr smeđeg šećera, 1 gr kvasca, stare novine.

AAA Gaming for free - No Terminal Method: Steam Proton / Lutris / Gamemode / Xanmod

Friday, July 24, 2020

Postanite profesionalni programer na Linuxu

1) Instalirajte Linux Lite

2) otvorite command promt i unesite:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get lazarus-ide
sudo apt-get lazarus

Čestitamo, sada ste spremni za velika dela:

Lazarus-ide možete koristiti i za programiranje u Windows 10, ali nije u tome poenta, nego da više promovišemo open sors i Linux koji je zapostavljen u Srbiji.

Object oriented concepts and design patterns

Bubble Cup finals programming environment

We are just couple of days away from the start of the finals. Compilers and IDEs available on the finals are:
  • C++
    • IDE: CodeBlocks 16.01, Visual Studio 2017
    • Compiler: MinGW 4.9.2, Visual Studio 2017
  • C#
    • IDE: Visual Studio 2017
    • Compiler: Visual Studio 2017
  • Pascal
    • IDE: Free Pascal, Lazarus 1.6.4
    • Compiler: Free Pascal Compiler 3.0.2

Bubble Cup Crew

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Simple mosquito - Kako bi Nikola Tesla rasterivao komarce ?

Response of Animals to Ultrasound

22-25 kHz: Dogs, Cats
38-44 kHz: Mosquitoes, Fleas, House Fly, Spiders, Cockroaches
52-60 kHz: Lizards
60-72 kHz: Rats

How does ultrasound repel pests?

US pest chasers are designed to repel pests from the home. Rodents respond to US with a frequency around 60 kHz. Cats and Dogs can be repelled using 22-25 kHz. Insects like mosquitoes, House fly, Fleas etc responds to 38-44 kHz. US will create high pressure on the eardrum of Rats so that they move away from US source. US generally creates stress on animals, so they avoid ultrasound.

How does Ultrasound repel Mosquitoes?

Male mosquito is the natural enemy of female mosquito after breeding. Both male and female mosquitoes use plant juice as food. But female mosquito requires human blood protein for the maturation of their eggs. Male mosquitoes will not bite human beings. On the first day of emergence, the female mosquito will not bite but after mating with male it starts to bite human beings to get blood. Female mosquito will not allow males to mate again and they avoid the presence of males. Females detect the presence of males by sensing the US produced by the males. If an US generator is used, it will imitate male mosquito by producing 38 kHz US . This will repel Female mosquitoes. Moreover the US will create stress on the US sensillae present on the antenna of female mosquitoes, so the move away from the source of US .

1.   Uvod (409 kB)
2.   Elektrostatika (1603 kB)
3.   Vremenski konstantne struje (2494 kB)
4.   Elektromagnetsko polje (1944 kB)

Antix Linux




Antix is based on Debian. BTW, Ubuntu is based on Debian too.

Minimum hardware requirements for antiX Linux:

  • RAM: 256 MB of RAM
  • CPU: PIII systems
  • Disk space: 5 GB of drive space


Go lang goodies:


Make sure you have a working Go installation and build environment, see more for details on page below.

go get

Beogradjani poludeli od Korone:

“Ајмо… Шта је Београђани, дошли сте овде да се снимате. Ајмо… Сиктер! Ди ћеш ти млада?”, говорио је он, док је група полако ишла преко поља.
Снимак је настао пре неколико дана, а данас је решена мистерија и ове фотографије и поменутог снимка.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Kursevi nepoznatog autora

Nepoznati autor sa naših prostora, koji u ovom trenutku želi da zadrži anonimnost, nesebično deli svoje znanje na kanalu WebDevPro.
Do sad su snimljeni video serijali za OpenBSD, HTML, Python, C++, Linksys, MySQL, JavaScript, Django, PHP, Bootstrap 4, uz to i nekoliko kraćih sadržaja u istim ili povezanim kategorijama.
Svaki serijal sadrži epizode koje su na engleskom jeziku, s fokusom na određeni segment iz pomenutih oblasti, u prosečnom trajanju od pet do deset minuta. U ovom trenutku najviše materijala snimljeno je za JavaScriptPython i CSS.
Baza besplatnih materijala za razvoj digitalnih veština i znanja sve je veća. Podsećamo na 16 besplatnih MIT kurseva koje smo podelili prošlog meseca, a nešto ranije Harvardove besplatne kurseve, koji u ovom trenutku imaju više od dva miliona polaznika. Naša baza sadrži i 6 priznatih obrazovnih institucija u oblasti računarskih mreža, 450 besplatnih kurseva elitnih američkih univerziteta, 400 besplatnih udžbenika koje je otključao jedan vodeći svetski izdavač, 10 besplatnih kurseva priznatih institucija, a tu su i već čuveni kursevi Coursere.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

3% hidrogen

3% Hidrogen se koristi na sledeći način:
  • Prvo pravilo je da se rastvor pije najmanje 30 minuta pre jela ili pića ili dva sata nakon jela.
  • Program uzimanja hidrogena traje 14 dana.
  • Prvoga dana uzima se  po kap na dve-tri kašike vode (30 ml do 50 ml) triput dnevno,  drugog dana - po dve kapi, tri put dnevno, trećeg dana - po tri" i tako do 10 kapi dnevno.
  • Tada se pravi pauza od dva, tri dana, a zatim se uzima po deset kapi triput dnevno, uz pauziranje na svaka dva-tri dana. Uzimanje traje mesec-dva ddana.
  • Uzimanje hidrogena nema kontraindikacija, ako se uzima na prazan stomak.
  • Svako treba da osluškuje reakciju svog organizma i da sam odredi sebi najpogodniju dozu.
Robotska šalteruša:



Friday, July 10, 2020

Preserve line breaks in textarea

Generally you just need to add
  • white-space: pre-line; whitespace trimmed to single whitespace or
  • white-space: pre-wrap; all whitespace preserved
to the element's style (CSS), where you want your text rendered with line-breaks.

You can do:
white-space: pre-wrap;
overflow-wrap: break-word;
You keep output in textarea as it is. You would receive input as a string output that string(write to file) that string adding textarea to the input string.
for eg.
$txt = $_POST["inputstr"];
$txt1 = "<textarea>". $txt ."</textarea>";
$file = fopen("file.html","a+");
fwrite($file, $txt1);

Lazarus-ide text editor: