I have Samsung RV-513 laptop from 2010 with 4G ZTE router with "WPA2/TKIP+AES" settings.
I can not find any Debian or Ubuntu distro that can see my strongest WiFI, but it can see any other WiFi's from neighborhood.
Only Manjaro XFCE, NuTyX XFCE, and Solus MATE can see my ZTE device.
I use Ventoy with NuTyX XFCE ISO in Live Debug mode for surfing on the web via Firefox and YouTube.
Endeavour can not see my wifi too, and many other linux distributions.
I am using Live Debug USB for surfing web, because I do not want to ruin my Windows 10 on HDD.
By the way Linux Live working better than installed Linux on HDD in dual boot, because my HDD is very slow, maybe SSD can working better.
All internet related surfing and browsing with Windows 10 is painfully slow on that AMD based laptop.
On linux you can feel speed and clean experience. Linux is 4 times faster on that machine than Windows 10.
For office usage Linux is more than adequate solution, for Office (Only Office or Libre), Mail (Evolution or Thunderbird), Zoom, Skype, MS Teams, VLC, OBS, Vector (Inkscape), Photo Shop like edit (Gimp), etc.
For programming you have NODE.js, Lazarus-ide, Python, Java, MSVSC, Core .net, etc.
Maslinovo ulje - Ekstra djevičansko maslinovo ulje sadrži nezasićene masti esencijalne za srce, snižava "loš" LDL holesterol i poboljšava rad srca.
Povrće - Vitamini, minerali i vlakna u povrću podržavaju rad srca i imaju malo kalorija.
Orašasti plodovi - Orašasti plodovi su bogati vlaknima i zdravim mastima.
Seme - Laneno seme snižava ukupan holesterol i LDL holesterol.
Losos - Masna riba sadrži omega-3 masne kiseline , koje mogu smanjiti holesterol i smanjiti upalu.
Kurkuma - Kurkumin snižava nivo ukupnog holesterola i LDL holesterola u krvi.
Beli luk - Redovna konzumacija belog luka tokom 2 meseca će pomoći u smanjenju holesterola i rizika od srčanih oboljenja.
Bamija- Ova biljka sadrži vlakna, kalijum i antioksidante. Ekstrakt bamije snižava holesterol i šećer u krvi.
Mahunarke - Dijeta koja uključuje sočivo, pasulj i grašak povezana je sa smanjenjem holesterola u krvi.
Slatki krompir - Ovaj krompir sadrži proteine i druge supstance koje snižavaju holesterol.
Zeleni čaj - Zeleni čaj sadrži antioksidante (katehine) i pomaže u snižavanju ukupnog holesterola i LDL holesterola.
Avokado - Sadrži vlakna, kalijum i zdrave masti koje pomažu u kontroli holesterola. Avokado, s jedne strane, podiže dobar HDL holesterol , as druge, snižava ukupan i loš LDL holesterol.
2. Jedite cele žitarice bez glutena
Jedenje celih žitarica snižava holesterol i poboljšava rad srca. Ali gluten izaziva upalu, pa se preporučuje da jedete cela zrna bez glutena (heljda, kinoa, smeđi pirinač).
3. Izbegavajte ovu hranu:
Šećer i rafinisani ugljeni hidrati.
Trans masti.
4. Suplementi za snižavanje holesterola
Riblje ulje
Koenzim K10
Ekstrakt belog luka (kao i sam proizvod) snižava holesterol.
5. Vežbanje
Postoje dve vrste fizičke aktivnosti koje blagotvorno utiču na zdravlje srca.
1. Aerobne vežbe -Aerobni/kardio trening (hodanje, trčanje, vožnja bicikla) pomaže u jačanju srca i pluća i pomaže u snižavanju holesterola.
2. Trening sa tegovima - Ovakav trening dovodi do kontrakcije mišića, povećavajući snagu i izdržljivost. Trening otpora (dizanje tegova, čučnjevi, iskori) može smanjiti ukupni i LDL holesterol.
Sharing Printer hell in Windows 10 after new updates *** workaround:
Thankfully, there’s a workaround for 0x0000011b printing errors. To address the 0x0000011b error, open Registry Editor and follow these steps:
In Registry Editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print key.
Create a new DWORD-32 bit value.
Name it “RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled”.
Set the value to 0.
Save the changes and close the editor.
Kako dodatno ubrzati Windows 10 ?
Settings > Update & security > Advanced options > Delivery optimization i isključiti Allow downloads from other PCs.
Settings > System > Notification&Actions i isključiti stvari kao što su Get tips, tricks and suggestions kada koristite Windows ili Show me the Windows welcome experience after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what’s new and suggested i predložena i pojedinačna obaveštenja o aplikaciji.
Settings > Personalization > Start > Show suggestions occasionally in Start.
Settings > Privacy > General > Let apps use advertising ID to make ads more interesting to you based on your app activity (Isključivanjem ovoga ćete resetovati vaš ID).
Settings > Privacy > Inking & typing i isključiti opciju.
Settings > Privacy > Background apps i ili isključite Let apps run in the background ili isključite svaku aplikaciju pojedinačno.
Settings > Accounts > Sync your settings. Možete isključiti sinhronizaciju svih podešavanja ili možete selektivno isključiti određena podešavanja.
Settings > Updates > Advanced options i pod Pause updates izaberite datum u narednih 35 dana. Međutim, nećete moći ponovo da pauzirate nakon tog trenutka dok sistem ne ažurirate.
Windows 11 has a reputation for making a lot of changes that makes life more difficult for Windows 10 users. But there has always been a community effort to make tools that ruin Microsoft’s vision…
The skills list required to be a full-stack developer is long and it can be hard to know exactly what skills you need and to what level before you start looking for a job. The often shared online resource for this kind of thing is Developer Roadmaps but, while it is extensive, I actually think the amount covered here is too much to be helpful to new developers. So, I have my own list, it’s a bare minimum required skills list and it looks like this:
A basic understanding of how the internet works and HTTP requests (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE) and the basic response codes (200, 404, 500)
Understanding of Linux commands and some basic OS principles.
Absolutely required items are in bold.
Being full-stack is not about being an expert in all of these, it is about knowing enough to get a system up and running, being able to search for the right things on Google, and having a sensible conversation with someone who is an expert in their respective areas. You need to be a good, well-rounded developer but you don’t need to be an expert in every field!
Sometimes you might find yourself in the unfortunate situation that you forgot your root passwd or that it has somehow been changed or stopped functioning.
This means lack of access to the root account.
Fortunately there is a very easy way to change this password(with all horrifying implications that this ability has).
This is how is done.
Power on your machine and when the grub menu appears pres "e" to edit.
Find the kernel line(the line starting with "linux" and append at the end
Pess CTRL+x to boot normally.
You will boot into single user mode.
mount -o remount,rw /
######Actually if in the "linux" line towards the end you see a tag "ro" then replace "ro" with "rw".Then you do not need to remount the filesystem once in single-user mode.
and you will prompted twice to enter the new root password.
/etc/init.d/reboot stop
...to reboot your machine
Login to root with the NEW password.
Thats it.
There are other ways to also achieve this,namely CHROOT into your MX installation either from another OS(in case you multi-boot) OR from any livecd.
Now as sweet as this may sound ,it is a horrible security hole.
Anyone with (physical) access to your machine can potentially hack into it.
2)Install MX on LUKS
3)Hide the GRUB menu.
And most importantly.....
...NEVER let anyone untrusted have physical access to your machine....