beogradsko programiranje
Thursday, March 31, 2022
Fix Fail 0x0000007c Shared Printer Cannot be Installed
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Golang Windows 10 initial settings
Environment variables:
PATH %USERPROFILE%\go\bin;C:\MinGW\bin\;c:\go\bin;C:\MinGW\
5) Install GO plugins for VSC
Sunday, March 27, 2022
Go, SQLITE, CSV, TXT, and HTML5+CSS3 are quite usable in command prompt applications with arguments
1-read text from csv or command text file
3-write text result to html
Balkan to Tokyo:
Operations With Files
Let's read a text file line by line:
import system'io; import extensions; public program() { // getting a file name from the command line argument var fileName := program_arguments[1]; // opening a text file reader using(auto reader := File.assign(fileName).textreader()) { // repeating until all the lines are read while (reader.Available) { // read the line string line := reader.readLine(); // print the line console.printLine(line); }; } }
Let's write into the file:
import system'io; import extensions; public program() { // getting a file name from the command line argument var fileName := program_arguments[1]; // opening a text file writer using(auto writer := File.assign(fileName).textwriter()) { // repeating until the empty line is entered for(string line := console.readLine(), line != emptyString, line := console.readLine()) { // save to the file writer.writeLine(line) } } }
If the file with the specified name exists, it will be overwritten.
If we want to append to the existing file, then we should use logger()
method, e.g.:
using(auto writer := File.assign(fileName).logger())
Let's read a binary file:
import system'io; import extensions; import system'collections; public program() { // getting a file name from the command line argument var fileName := program_arguments[1]; // creating a list to hold the read data List<byte> dump := new List<byte>(); // opening a binary file reader using(auto reader := { // repeating until all the file is read while (reader.Available) { // read the current byte into a variable b // note the variable is declared just-in-place byte b); // add the read byte to the dump dump.append(b); }; }; // print the file content as a list of bytes console.printLine(dump.asEnumerable()); }
And finally, let's search for the files and directories:
import system'io; import extensions; public program() { // specifying the target directory var dir := Directory.assign("."); var files := dir.getFiles(); var dirs := dir.getDirectories(); console.printLine("Directory ", dir); console.printLine("files:", files.asEnumerable()); console.printLine("directories:", dirs.asEnumerable()); }
Golang is quite usable !
Jedite bademe. Bademi sadrže veoma male količine natrijuma, što je od velike važnosti za održavanje krvnog pritiska na zdravom nivou. S druge strane, bademi su bogati kalijumom koji pomaže da srčani mišići i nervne transmisije ostanu jake. Rezultat ove bolje srčane funkcije jeste da krvni pritisak nema priliku da se podiže iznad normalnih vrednosti. Oko 60 g badema dnevno je svršena količina za očuvanje zdravlja, kažu nutricionisti.
Pijte vodu od kokosa. Istraživanja su pokazala da kalijum, magnezijum i vitamin C koji se nalaze u kokosovoj vodi ovaj napitak čine veoma zdravim. Najzdravija je ona voda pronađena u mladim plodovima.
Kuvajte sa kurkumom. Kurkuma je začin koji bi svakako trebalo da imate u svojoj kuhinji iz mnoštva razloga, a jedan od njih je što su istraživanja pokazala da 80 mg kurkume dnevno ima značajan uticaj na snižavanje povišenog krvnog pritiska. Pored toga, kurkumin koji se u kurkumi nalazi dokazano smanjuje rizik od nastanka bolesti jetre i Alchajmerove bolesti.
Više se krećite. Ako imate redovnu fizičku aktivnost, šanse da patite od povišenog krvnog pritiska su veoma male i to zato što vežbanje jača srce, a jako srce ispumpava više krvi sa manje napora. Ako se vaše srce manje napreže, snaga arterija raste, a krvni pritisak se snižava. Svega pola sata vežbanja nekoliko puta u toku nedelje je dovoljno da vam pritisak bude na zdravom nivou.
Pevajte pod tušem. Vrištite u jastuk kad ste pod stresom, plešite po kući, nađite način da se istresete i otpustite stres na bezazlen način. Kad smo pod stresom naše srce brže kuca, a kao rezultat toga, krvni sudovi se krive i krvni pritisak skače.
Odloženi stres koga se ne oslobađamo na duge staze može uzrokovati hipertenziju. Veoma je važno da se s stresom borite na vreme, i to tako da to ne utiče pritisak vaše okoline.
Friday, March 25, 2022
Ultra light Linux = MiYO Linux distro
Working on Golang:
Working on TCC:
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <wchar.h>
int main(void)
FILE *stream;
wchar_t wcs[100];
if (NULL == (stream = fopen("fgetws.dat", "r"))) {
printf("Unable to open: \"fgetws.dat\"\n");
errno = 0;
if (NULL == fgetws(wcs, 100, stream)) {
if (EILSEQ == errno) {
printf("An invalid wide character was encountered.\n");
else if (feof(stream))
printf("End of file reached.\n");
perror("Read error.\n");
printf("wcs = \"%ls\"\n", wcs);
return 0;
Assuming the file fgetws.dat contains:
This test string should not return -1
The output should be similar to:
wcs = "This test string should not return -1"
sqlite3 *db, /* The database on which the SQL executes */
const short *zSql, /* The SQL(16) to be executed */
sqlite3_callback16 xCallback, /* Invoke this callback routine */
void *pArg, /* First argument to xCallback() */
short **pzErrMsg /* Write error messages here */
int rc = SQLITE_OK;
const short *zLeftover;
sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
short **azCols = 0;
int nRetry = 0;
int nCallback;
if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
while( (rc==SQLITE_OK || (rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA && (++nRetry)<2)) && zSql[0]
int nCol;
short **azVals = 0;
pStmt = 0;
rc = sqlite3_prepare16_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 );
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
if( !pStmt ){
/* this happens for a comment or white-space */
zSql = zLeftover;
nCallback = 0;
nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
azCols = sqliteMalloc(2*nCol*sizeof(const short *) + 1);
if( azCols==0 ){
goto exec_out;
while( 1 ){
int i;
rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
/* Invoke the callback function if required */
if( xCallback && (SQLITE_ROW==rc ||
(SQLITE_DONE==rc && !nCallback && db->flags&SQLITE_NullCallback))
if( 0==nCallback ){
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
azCols[i] = (short *)sqlite3_column_name16(pStmt, i);
if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
azVals = &azCols[nCol];
for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
azVals[i] = (short *)sqlite3_column_text16(pStmt, i);
if( xCallback(pArg, nCol, azVals, azCols) ){
goto exec_out;
if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
pStmt = 0;
if( rc!=SQLITE_SCHEMA ){
nRetry = 0;
zSql = zLeftover;
while( iswspace((unsigned char)zSql[0]) ) zSql++;
azCols = 0;
if( pStmt ) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
if( azCols ) sqliteFree(azCols);
rc = sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc==sqlite3_errcode(db) && pzErrMsg ){
*pzErrMsg = sqlite3_malloc(1+strlen(sqlite3_errmsg16(db)));
if( *pzErrMsg ){
strcpy(*pzErrMsg, sqlite3_errmsg16(db));
}else if( pzErrMsg ){
*pzErrMsg = 0;
assert( (rc&db->errMask)==rc );
return rc;
Wednesday, March 23, 2022
Select data from csv file to SQLITE database
drop table if exists <table name>;
create table <table name> (field1 datatype, field2 datatype ....);
.separator ","
.import <csv file name> <table name>
Process proc = new Process {
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
FileName = @"loadcsvtosqlite.bat",
Arguments = @"",
UseShellExecute = true,
RedirectStandardOutput = false,
CreateNoWindow = true
sqlite3.exe "db name" < loadcsv.sql
drop table if exists <table name>;
create table <table name> (field1 datatype, field2 datatype ....);
.separator ","
.import <csv file name> <table name>
- Try running the Windows Update Troubleshooter, which you can search for in the Start menu.
- If that doesn’t help, you can try deleting Windows Update’s cache by booting into Safe Mode, stopping the wuauserv service, and deleting the files in C:WindowsSoftwareDistribution.
- If all else fails, download updates manually using the WSUS Offline Update tool.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Sistem info
systeminfo > C:\temp\SystemID.txt
wmic /output:C:\temp\InstalledPrograms.txt product get name,version
wmic bios get /?
wmic bios get releasedate
wmic bios get serialnumber
#include <stdio.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <windows.h>
int main()
setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
printf("Hello World! Привет, мир!\n");
Time hypocrisy...