Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Ovo su samo neke od mudrosti koje su originalni stanovnici Amerike primenjivali u svakodnevnom životu, a svi ih možemo koristiti kao smernicu u svom pogledu na svet:

1. Ustanite sa suncem i pomolite se. Molite se sami. Molite se često. Jednom će Veliki Duh poslušati vaše molitve.

2. Budite tolerantni prema onima koji su skrenuli s puta. Neznanje, ljutnja i ljubomora dolaze od izgubljenih duša. Molite se da se vrate na ispravan put.

3. Pronađite sebe. Ne dopustite da drugi upravljaju vašim putem. To je samo vaš put! Ostali mogu ići s vama, ali niko ne može napred umesto vas.

4. Budite obzirni prema gostima u svojoj kući. Poslužite im najbolju hranu, ponudite im najbolji krevet, prema njima budite pošteni i pravedni.

5. Ne uzimajte što nije vaše, bilo od ljudske zajednice, prirode ili nečije kulture. Niste zaslužili ni dobili. Nije vaše.

6. Poštujte sve na Zemlji, kako ljude tako i biljke.

7. Poštujte mišljenja drugih, njihove želje i reči. Nikad ne prekidajte druge dok govore, ne zamerajte, ne rugajte im se. Svakoj osobi dopustite pravo na lično mišljenje.

8. Nikada ne govorite loše o drugima. Negativna energija koju šaljete a još u njoj i uživate vratiće vam se višestruko.

9. Svi ljudi greše. Svaka greška se može oprostiti.

10. Negativne misli stvaraju bolest uma, tela i duha. Vežbajte optimizam.

11. Priroda nije naša, ona je deo nas. Priroda je deo naše globalne porodice.

12. Deca su budućnost. Usadite im u srca ljubav, vodite ih s mudrošću i učite o svim životima. Kada rastu, dajte im prostora da rastu.

13. Izbegavajte da povređujete srca drugih. Otrov tog bola vratiće se vama.

14. Uvek budite iskreni.

15. Održavajte svoju ravnotežu: mentalno, duhovno, emocionalno i telesno "ja" moraju da budu jednako snažni, čisti i zdravi. Krepite telo da bi se krepio um. Rastite u duhovnosti kako biste iscelili emocionalne rane.

16. Svesno odlučite šta ćete biti i kakvi ćete biti, kako ćete delovati i kako ćete stajati iza svojih postupaka. Budite odgovorni za svoje postupke.

17. Poštujte tuđu privatnost i lični prostor. Ne mešajte se u tuđe vlasništvo, pogotovo ne u sveto i duhovno. To je zabranjeno.

18. Budite sigurni u sebe. Ne možete biti brižni i pomagati drugima ako niste brižni prema sebi i ako prvo ne pomognete sebi.

19. Poštujte tuđa verska uverenja. Ne prisiljavajte druge da veruju u vaša.

20. Delite svoju sreću.

Privredni savetnik i mali poslovni programi za desktop

How to stop Windows 10 annoying orange

Stop The Windows Update Service
As central as it is to the core of Windows 10, Windows Update is actually just another Windows process so it can be stopped with these simple steps:
  1. Open the Run command (Win + R), in it type: services.msc and press enter
  2. From the Services list which appears find the Windows Update service and open it
  3. In ‘Startup Type’ (under the ‘General’ tab) change it to ‘Disabled’
  4. Restart
To re-enable Windows Update simply repeat these four steps, but change the Startup Type to ‘Automatic’

Monday, February 26, 2018

Телефони трезора

Cisco vpn windows 10




The solution for installation is easy, although laborious. Let's see the steps to follow:

First of all, uninstall any Cisco client you have. Remember to save any type of certificates that you may have installed.
Uninstall DNE Fix (Deterministic NEtworks, from Citrix), and any update to this program. That there is no trace. It is what we will install after again, the Winfix)
We restart the team.
We install Citrix Winfix
We restart the computer again.
We downloaded Sonic Wall VPN. HERE the 32 bit version, and HERE the 64 bit one. The reason for doing this is that the appropriate version of DNE software will be installed, which Cisco also needs.
We return to restart.
We downloaded Cisco VPN Client and installed. The 64 bit version, HERE .
Restart again (and go 3 times).
Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Services / CVirtA, open the value REG_5Z with the name "Display name" and put the following:

- For x86 computers.

"@ oem8.inf,% CVirtA_Desc%; Cisco Systems VPN Adapter" to "Cisco System VPN Adapter"
(without quotes)

- For x64

Computers "@ oem8.inf,% CVirtA_Desc%; Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows" to
"Cisco Systems VPN Adapter for 64-bit Windows" (without quotes)

We restart, and with this, we finish. You only have to configure the configuration as you had it, or import the certificates


Friday, February 23, 2018

Recursive procedure to build a list of files

Find files with FindFirst and FindNext


The procedure FindFiles locates files in a given directory (folder) and its subdirectories, and adds their complete path to a stringlist. Note that recursion is used: FindFiles calls itself at the end of the procedure!

The meaning of the parameters of FindFiles(FilesList, StartDir, FileMask) is as follows:

FilesList is a stringlist, that you have to create before calling FindFiles. Afterwards, don't forget to free this stringlist.

In StartDir you specify the starting directory, including the disk drive. If you want to search an entire disk, specify the root directory (root folder) of that disk, such as C:\ or D:\

In FileMask you pass the name of the file to find, or a file mask with wildcards, such as ? and *
Examples of use:

Find all files on the entire C: disk with the name 'letter1.doc' : 
   FindFiles('c:\', 'letter01.doc'); 
Find all files on the entire C: disk, with a name starting with 'euroen', followed by zero, one or two other characters, and ending with the extension '.dpr' :
   FindFiles('d:\', 'euroen??.dpr'); 
Find all Delphi project files in directory d:\projects and its subdirectories :
   FindFiles('d:\projects', '*.dpr');
If you want to test this procedure, start a new project and add some components to the form: two Edits (one for the starting directory, one for the mask), a Button, a Label and a ListBox.


// Recursive procedure to build a list of files
procedure FindFiles(FilesList: TStringList; StartDir, FileMask: string);
  SR: TSearchRec;
  DirList: TStringList;
  IsFound: Boolean;
  i: integer;
  if StartDir[length(StartDir)] <> '\' then
    StartDir := StartDir + '\';

  { Build a list of the files in directory StartDir
     (not the directories!)                         }

  IsFound :=
    FindFirst(StartDir+FileMask, faAnyFile-faDirectory, SR) = 0;
  while IsFound do begin
    FilesList.Add(StartDir + SR.Name);
    IsFound := FindNext(SR) = 0;

  // Build a list of subdirectories
  DirList := TStringList.Create;
  IsFound := FindFirst(StartDir+'*.*', faAnyFile, SR) = 0;
  while IsFound do begin
    if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) and
         (SR.Name[1] <> '.') then
      DirList.Add(StartDir + SR.Name);
    IsFound := FindNext(SR) = 0;

  // Scan the list of subdirectories
  for i := 0 to DirList.Count - 1 do
    FindFiles(FilesList, DirList[i], FileMask);


// Example: how to use
procedure TForm1.ButtonFindClick(Sender: TObject);
  FilesList: TStringList;
  FilesList := TStringList.Create;
    FindFiles(FilesList, EditStartDir.Text, EditFileMask.Text);
    LabelCount.Caption := 'Files found: ' + IntToStr(FilesList.Count);


Vazdusna puska ?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ko smo mi ?

"Beogradsko programiranje" je specijalizovani blog za senior programere.

Mi nismo blog za juniore i početnike, već samo za visoko specijalizovane i iskusne programere, dizajnere i sistem administratore.

Na našim stranama ćete naći rešenje za neke od najčešćih problema iz prakse.

Svaki link koji postavimo predstavlja rešenje za neki od veoma čestih i korisnih situacija prilikom izrade velikih IT projekata.

Primetićete da dajemo uglavnom linkove, a veoma retko neki duži tekst. To je zato jer našim čitaocima nisu potrebne suvišna objašnjenja, nego čista konkretizacija.

Ukoliko procenimo da je tema od šireg značaja za naše čitaoce, onda dajemo i više teksta u našim postovima.
