Friday, October 15, 2021

Best Fm transmitter ?


Coils L1 through L5 are made with

20 SWG copper-enamelled wire wound

over air-cores having 8mm diameter.

They have 4, 6, 6, 5 and 7 turns of wire,


Did you see this?

This PC doesn't curently meet all the system requirements for Windows 11. Get the details and see if there are things you can do in the PC Health Check app. Get PC Health Check

Alternative is Pop!_OS or NixOS !

You can use standard Ubuntu or Fedora too.


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tiny Compilers

Најбрже решење за заштиту Вашег компјутера, прати и блокира све евентуалне измене у систему Виндовса:


3 x Transistor FM Transmitter:

Quartz fixed frequency 1 x Transistor FM Transmitter:

1 x Transistor FM Transmitters:

Use PC Power Supply for other things

Šta je najbolje protiv virusa i prehlade?

  • Spavajte dovoljno
  • Balansirajte ishranu
  • Koristite med, nanu i sirup ili sok od zove
  • Nadoknadite vitamin D u zimskim mesecima
  • Jedite povrće i voće, a naročito crno voće
  • Uzimajte suplemente cinka
  • Pojedite jedan brazilski orah nedeljno
  • Konzumirajte ribu
  • Slobodno se krećite i spavajte na hladnom

Kafa je zasigurno štetnija nego što to mnogi misle.

Kafa je glavni izvor kofeina, moćnog stimulansa koji je u suštini otrovan. Dovoljno govori to da određene biljke proizvode kofein da bi ih kao pesticid štitio od insekata. Kofeina, osim u kafi, ima i u crnom čaju, kola pićima, energetskim napicima, čokoladi, u pojedinim ljekovima protiv bola, migrene, prehlade...

Kofein utiče na nadražljivost nervnog sistema, i na neki način stimuliše sve djelove kore mozga. Neki stručnjaci kažu da je smrtonosna doza 10 grama, što predstavlja količinu koja se nalazi u oko 70 šolja kafe. Mnogi ljudi svakog dana uzimaju desetinu smrtonosne doze, a čak i u samo jednoj šolji kafe vrebaju supstance koje ozbiljno mijenjaju organizam.

Povezanost sa bolestima

U kafi se nalazi na stotine drugih štetnih hemijskih sastojaka uključujući acetaldehid, amonijak, ugljenik-disulfid, katehol, etanol, metanol, naftalin, fenol, vodonik sulfid....
Kafa je, inače, diuretik, odnosno izlučuje tečnost iz tijela izazivajući dehidraciju koja se smatra predvorjem za bolesti.
Kofein povećava trenutni osjećaj energije tako što podstiče porast nivoa šećera u krvi. Zbog toga se, međutim, naglo izlučuje određena količina insulina iz gušterače. Posljedica njegovog djelovanja je potpuno suprotna - čovjek brzo osjeća iscrpljenost.
Kofein djeluje i kao direktni stimulans srčanog mišića. Kada dođe do srca, prouzrokuje sužavanje arterija. Takođe, povećava opterećenje srca ubrzavajući stopu rada i povećavajući krvni pritisak, istovremeno smanjujući ishranu srca krvlju.

Samo jedna šolja kafe na dan utičena na povećanje i donjeg i gornjeg pritiska, a da ne govorimo o većim količinama. Zato često prestanak konzumiranja napitaka sa kofeinom, naročito kafe, dovodi do snižavanja krvnog pritiska. Onda ljudi pokušavaju da problem niskog pritiska riješe na način što će popiti kafu, a u stvari kafa je uzrok pada pritiska.
Kofein remeti san, i opšte je poznato da oni koji žele da “razbiju” san uzimaju napitke koji sadrže kofein, a to je najčešće kafa.
Kafa može da prouzrokuje rak bešike i jajnika, čir želuca... Rak debelog crijeva je takođe povezan sa konzumiranjem kafe.
Stručnjaci se još raspravljaju da li kafa predstavlja značajan rizik od raka, ali nema sumnje da ovaj proizvod sadrži hemikalije koje mogu da izazovu rak. Među takve hemikalije spadaju metilglioksal, katehol, hlorogena i neohlorogena kiselina. Pojedini stručnjaci kažu da kofein nije pravi kancerogen sam po sebi, već da je ko-kancerogen. To znači da može da poveća vjerovatnoću da će se rak pojaviti, ako je u prisustvu drugih kancerogena.

Napici s kofeinom mogu prouzrokovati i nadraživanje želuca. Za to su odgovorni aditivi iz tih napitaka.
Sam kofein djeluje na krvne žile sistema za varenje tako što podstiče njihovo stezanje. To ometa normalno varenje. Napici s kofeinom tjeraju želudac da izlučuje preveliku količinu želudačne kiseline. To može pogoršati stanje kod osoba s čirom u sistemu za varenje.
Ustanovljeno je i da kofein ometa apsorpciju kalcijuma i gvožđa iz hrane što podstiče razvoj osteoporoze i anemije.
Neki od efekata napitaka sa kofeinom koji se mogu javiti nakon konzumiranja su: poremećena ravnoteža, ubrzan rad srca, povišena ili izmijenjena visina glasa, nesanica, slabo pamćenje, zamor i drhtavica prstiju. Drugi simptomi koji se nešto kasnije javljaju su: problemi sa cirkulacijom, poremećaj pamćenja, glavobolja, uznemirenost, lupanje srca, drhtavica, nestabilnost, vrtoglavica, hiperrefleksija, razdraženost, uzrujanost, nervoza, depresija, nestabilnost u nogama...

Uzeta količina i tip pića koji sadrži kofein određuje stepen neželjenih reakcija i problema koji se mogu javiti kod čovjeka.
Istraženo je i da hlorogena kiselina u kafi prouzrokuje alergije na hranu. Takođe, postoje podaci da je zadržavanje tečnosti sporedni efekat kofeina.

Očito i da dejstvo kofeina na ćelije pankreasa pogoršava dijabetes. U eksperimentima na miševima, kafa je veoma pogoršavala dijabetes. Može se smatrati faktorom rizika za pojavu dijabetesa.
Neka istraživanja pokazuju i da osobe koje piju kafu, u poređenju sa onima koji je ne piju, imaju višak kilograma, koriste više alkohola i puše više cigareta... Otrov kao što je kafa, najpopularniji izvor kofeina, može da stimuliše i mnoge druge zdravstvene probleme, a naročito je štetna po zdravlje ako je organizam već oslabljen ili se pojavila neka bolest.


Često se raspravlja, naročito među laicima, da li se postaje zavistan od kafe. Medicina je ozbiljno istražila da kofein izaziva određenu zavisnost kod konzumenta, i to se vrlo lako može testirati.
Sve supstance koje stvaraju zavisnost dovode do određenih fizičkih i psihičkih posljedica u trenutku kad se ukine njihova upotreba.
Najbolji način da se preispita zavisnost od kofeina jeste da se nekoliko dana prestane sa uzimanjem te materije u bilo kojem obliku. Najuobičajeniji fizički simptom odvikavanja od kofeina jeste glavobolja, koja može varirati od umjerene do snažne. Ostali simptomi koji se mogu pojaviti jesu osjećaj iscrpljenosti, nedostatak apetita, mučnina i povraćanje.
Čovjek se može osjećati i psihološki bezvoljno. Simptomi često ne traju duže od jednog dana, a u pojedinim slučajevima potraju i četiri do pet dana.
U SAD su rađene analize koje pokazuju da proizvodi koji sadrže kofein, a naročito kafa, često su povezani sa pušenjem u pogledu ponašanja.
I to je zaista tačno. Mnogim pušačima je skoro nezamislivo da uzmu šolju kafe, a da je ne proprate cigaretom. I kafa i cigarete su ozbiljni otrovi koji narušavaju zdravlje.
Istraživanja su pokazala i da ukoliko se kofein ne unosi ujutro, nagon za pušenje se smanjuje ili ga uopšte nema. Izbjegavanje kofeina može da bude put ka prekidu pušenja.

Kafa bez kofeina ništa bolja

Na kraju, neko može da kaže da pije kafu bez kofeina. Dr Agata Treš kaže da „upotreba kafe i drugih napitaka oslobođenih kofeina umesto napitaka sa kofeinom je kao zamjenjivanje oštrog kamena iz desne cipele za oštar kamen u lijevoj”.

“Ovi napitci obično prouzrokuju gubitak osjećaja ukusa hrane zbog remećenja čula ukusa i mirisa. Stariji ljudi naročito mogu da pate zbog upotrebe napitaka bez kofeina, i izgleda da su grupa koja će najvjerovatnije preći sa pića sa kofeinom na ona bez kofeina”, kaže dr Treš.

Kafa bez kofeina sadrži mnoge druge otrove koje sam već naveo na početku priče o kafi.

“Ulja iz kafe zvana kafeoli su i dalje prisutna, i nadražuju stomak i ostatak sistema za varenje, stimulišući veću proizvodnju kisjeline. Istraživanja na mladim pacovima su pokazala da je kafa bez kofeina, koja je davana ovim životinjama, značajno usporavala stopu njihovog rasta, potvrđujući na još jedan način prisustvo i drugih štetnih supstanci pored kofeina”, tvrdi dr Treš u svojoj knjizi “Otrov sa velikim K”.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Red language beauty

Have you written a library or binding for Red? If so, mention it in chat or Twitter it to @red-lang and we'll add it here...

The RED language was created in 2011:

Some links below may be broken, use this mirror repo in such case.

  • Quick-Test unit testing framework for Red/System by Peter W A Wood.

Thanks to Nenad Rakocevic

In the Command prompt, type the path to your Red executable (the executable you just copied in the "programs" folder), followed by -r -t windows and the name of your program:

Red will give you a series of messages in the Command Prompt and, after about a minute you will have the standalone executable in your "programs" folder

Red compiler can fit on one floppy diskette!


Jedite: paradajz, kokice, jaja, grasak, dinja, jagode, celer, rukola, zelena salata, krastavac.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Kako napraviti koristan bekap svega

More tips for a good party:

Kako zaraditi od čepova:




edit c:\driver.bat

shutdown -s



at 15:40 /every:M,TW,Th,F,S,Su c:\driver.bat

Ова команда ће Вам осигурати да се искључи компјутер после радног времена Ваших заборавних радника !

EndeavourOS+Firefox+YouTube_ram_usage = 1,28 GB


1) Run > Services.msc
WindowsUpdate, Disable

+ 2)
Run > Regedit
On The Left Panel...
On The Right Panel... > RightMouseKeyPress > New > REG_DWORD (32-bit) Value



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


NE555 pin functions

Moja radio stanica

Simple one:

Long-range version 2-5km:

Mini fast version 1km:

Arduino powered FM receiver:

Tiny and simple one:

Fig. 2 - Mini Transmissor de FM 88 - 108 Mhz com BC548

 A antena é um pedaço de fio rígido com comprimento de 10 centímetro, soldado no centro da bobina como mostrado na figura 2. A bobina é montada com 8 voltas de fio de 0.5mm com o diâmetro de 6mm.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Uber FM Transmiter

Here is a simple USB FM transmitter that could be used to play audio files from an MP3 player or computer on a standard VHF FM radio by connecting it to an USB port. The circuit use no coils that have to be wound. This USB transmitter can be used to listen to your own music throughout your home.

USB Transmitter Circuit Schematic

To keep the fm transmitter circuit simple as well as compact, it was decided to use a chip made by Maxim Integrated Products, the MAX2606. This IC from the MAX2605-MAX2609 series has been specifically designed for low-noise RF applications with a fixed frequency. The VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) in this IC uses a Colpitts oscillator circuit. The variable-capacitance (varicap) diode and feedback capacitors for the tuning have also been integrated on this chip, so that you only need an external inductor to fix the central oscillator frequency.

It is possible to fine-tune the frequency by varying the voltage to the varicap. Not much is demanded of the inductor, a type with a relatively low Q factor (35 to 40) is sufficient according to Maxim. The supply voltage to the IC should be between 2.7 and 5.5 V, the current consumption is between 2 and 4 mA. With values like these it seemed a good idea to supply the circuit with power from a USB port.

A common-mode choke is connected in series with the USB connections in order to avoid interference between the circuit and the PC supply. There is not much else to the circuit. The stereo signal connected to K1 is combined via R1 and R2 and is then passed via volume control P1 to the Tune input of IC1, where it causes the carrier wave to be frequency modulated. Filter R6/C7 is used to restrict the bandwidth of the audio signal. The setting of the frequency (across the whole VHF FM broadcast band) is done with P2, which is connected to the 5 V supply voltage.

The PCB designed uses resistors and capacitors with 0805 SMD packaging. The size of the board is only 41.2 x 17.9 mm, which is practically dongle-sized. For the aerial an almost straight copper track has been placed at the edge of the board. In practice we achieved a range of about 6 metres (18 feet) with this fm transmitter usb. There is also room for a 5-way SIL header on the board. Here we find the inputs to the 3.5 mm jack plug, the input to P1 and the supply voltage. The latter permits the circuit to be powered independently from the mains supply, via for example three AA batteries or a Lithium button cell. Inductor L1 in the prototype is a type made by Murata that has a fairly high Q factor: minimum 60 at 100 MHz.

Take care when you solder filter choke L2, since the connections on both sides are very close together. The supply voltage is connected to this, so make sure that you don’t short out the USB supply! Use a resistance meter to check that there is no short between the two supply connectors before connecting the circuit to a USB port on a computer or to the batteries.

P1 has the opposite effect to what you would expect (clockwise reduces the volume), because this made the board layout much easier. The deviation and audio bandwidth varies with the setting of P1. The maximum sensitivity of the audio input is fairly large. With P1 set to its maximum level, a stereo input of 10 mVrms is sufficient for the sound on the radio to remain clear. This also depends on the setting of the VCO. With a higher tuning voltage the input signal may be almost twice as large (see VCO tuning curve in the data sheet). Above that level some audible distortion becomes apparent. If the attenuation can’t be easily set by P1, you can increase the values of R1 and R2 without any problems.

Measurements with an RF analyzer showed that the third harmonic had a strong presence in the transmitted spectrum (about 10 dB below the fundamental frequency). This should really have been much lower. With a low-impedance source connected to both inputs the bandwidth varies from 13.1 kHz (P1 at maximum) to 57 kHz (with the wiper of P1 set to 1/10).

In this usb fm transmitter circuit the pre-emphasis of the input is missing. Radios in Europe have a built-in de-emphasis network of 50 μs (75 μs in the US). The sound from the radio will therefore sound noticeably muffled. To correct this, and also to stop a stereo receiver from mistakenly reacting to a 19 kHz component in the audio signal, an enhancement circuit Is published elsewhere in this issue (Pre-emphasis for FM Transmitter, also with a PCB).

usb transmitter components list

MP3 FM Transmitter Parts List

Resistors (all SMD 0805)

R1,R2 = 22kΩ

R3 = 4kΩ7

R4,R5 = 1kΩ

R6 = 270Ω

P1 = 10kΩ preset, SMD (TS53YJ103MR10 Vishay Sfernice, Farnell # 1557933)

P2 = 100kΩ preset, SMD(TS53YJ104MR10 Vishay Sfernice, Farnell # 1557934)

Capacitors (all SMD 0805)

C1,C2,C5 = 4μF7 10V

C3,C8 = 100nF

C4,C7 = 2nF2

C6 = 470nF


L1 = 390nF, SMD 1206 (LQH31HNR39K03L Murata, Farnell # 1515418)

L2 = 2200Ω @ 100MHz, SMD, common-mode choke, 1206 type(DLW31SN222SQ2L Murata, Farnell #1515599)


IC1 = MAX2606EUT+, SMD SOT23-6 (Maxim Integrated Products)


K1 = 3.5mm stereo audio jack SMD (SJ1-3513-SMT

CUI Inc, DIGI-Key # CP1-3513SJCT-ND)

K2 = 5-pin header (only required in combination with 090305-I pre-emphasis circuit)

K3 = USB connector type A, SMD (2410 07 Lumberg, Farnell # 1308875)

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Windows 10 update

With a backup at hand, now it's safe to customize a Windows 10 update without receiving any forced updates on your computer. Here's how to make the change in Registry: 1. Press the Windows key + R key to open the Run command. 2. Type regedit, and click OK to open the Registry. Browse the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows 3. Right-click the Windows folder, select "New" and then click "Key". 4. Name the new key "WindowsUpdate" and press "Enter". 5. Right-click the newly created key, select "new", and click "Key". 6. Name the new key AU and press Enter. Inside the newly created key, right-click on the right side, select "New", and click on "DWORD (32-bit) Value". 7. Name the new key AUOptions and press Enter. Double-click the newly created key and change its value to 2. It's for "Notify for download and notify for install". Click "OK". 8. Close the Registry to complete the task. Using this value prevents Windows 10 from downloading updates automatically, and you'll get a notification when new updates are available. In this way, you can avoid any auto Windows 10 update effectively. That's how you could make an attempt to disable Windows 10/11 updates in every way. Each method has been proved to work as long as you wish to turn off all the automatic updates in Windows 10.


An incredible idea:



$pdf=new FPDF();
$pdf->Cell(40,10,'Hello World!');
shell_exec("'C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\acrord32.exe' /t c:\test1.pdf \\myserver\myprinter");


path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\"

acrord32 /p /h d:\20200122082625.pdf

Antix, MX, PepprmintOS are the fastest ever, you can install everything from Ubuntu-Debian realm. PeppremintOS has preinstalled Flatpak and Synaptic package manager.
NuTyX and NixOS are an independent distros. NixOS is a brilliant distro.
NeptuneOS is Debian-based Plasma KDE. Nitrux is very good too, it has a Calamares installer.

Monday, October 4, 2021

Hard disk clone

 You can download the Macrium Reflect Free Edition cloning software from:

And the CrystalDiskMark drive benchmarking utility from:






Windows 10 cool facts and tricks:


Strip down your overbloated Windows 10:


USB SMART CARDS ON LINUX (Gemalto and similar):
