Friday, November 5, 2021

Ventoy Linux goodies 2

Breaking News
I don't want update
I don't want update 2 + backup
An interesting stuff
Find me on Xonotic
Online code editor MSVSC
Sounds for Your Keyboard App


What is your typing speed ?

Fast programming without installation, just from web browser:

Windows goodies:

The Ventoy hall of fame:



Once the USB drive is booted making it persistence is a 2 step process.

1. You create a savefile file.

Menu > System Tools > Porteus Savefile Manager
Enter the password for root. toor
Click on Click + to create a new savefile file.
Enter the Location of your USB drive. Usually something like sdb1.
Click OK.

Thus on your USB drive, sdb1, you will have a savefile file named: porteussave

2. You tell the Porteus boot menu where the savefile is.

Open the /mnt/sdb1/boot/syslinux/porteus.cfg file. sdb1 being the address of your USB drive.
Scroll down to the first APPEND line.
To the APPEND line add: changes=/mnt/sdb1/porteussave

When you reboot changes you make will be saved.




Friday, October 29, 2021

Microsoft Windows 10 new BUG: The missing language bar, simple insane !

Breaking News
I don't want update
I don't want update 2 + backup
An interesting stuff
Find me on Xonotic
Online code editor MSVSC
Sounds for Your Keyboard App


Tiling wm:

Šta jesti ?

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Proxmox virtualization


Linux KVM

Linux KVM( Kernal Based VirtualMachine) is another Type -1 hypervisor that is a base for different Linux hypervisor distros. Furthermore, it can convert different operating systems such as Redhat, OpenSuse, Centos, and Ubuntu into a full virtualization platform.KVM is acquired by the RedHat and supports all most all Linux, BSD, Solaris, and Windows operating systems as a guest. The administrator can control and manage the KVM installed virtual server either by command line or via a Graphical user interface (GU) provided by VirtManager. It supports x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). By default, it is a command-line tool.

How to install KVM on Ubuntu 20.04


Proxmox- Open-Source Virtualization Platform

Proxmox VE is a complete open-source virtualization management platform that closely integrates two virtualization technologies: KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor and Linux container (LXC) to provide enterprise-class virtualization.

Proxmox VE also supports Paravirtualization (virtIO drivers for network, Grafik, hard disks); also HAV is possible with Proxmox VE.

Proxmox VE is based on Debian GNU/Linux and uses a customized Linux Kernel. The current stable 5.x release uses the latest Ubuntu 18.04 based kernel, which will be regularly updated. It supports full virtualization (with KVM) and container-based virtualization with LXC.

The Proxmox Open-Source Virtualization Platform has a monolithic system that provides three major functionalities of computing, network, and storage in a single package. It offers both command line and graphical user interface to control, deploy, destroy, monitor, and manage containers and virtual machines. Scalable and easy to use option for data centers, one must try it once.

Download Proxmox (Link)


Monday, October 18, 2021

Make your compiler from Python

PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) compilers maker



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search]



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search]



Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Block that PC Health sucker1.reg:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Block that PC Health sucker2-plus.reg:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Printer hell in Windows 10 workaround:

Thankfully, there’s a workaround for 0x0000011b printing errors. To address the 0x0000011b error, open Registry Editor and follow these steps:

In Registry Editor, open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print key.
Create a new DWORD-32 bit value.
Name it “RpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled”.
Set the value to 0.
Save the changes and close the editor.


Regenerative Receiver

 Two-Transistor Regenerative Receiver Schematic Circuit Diagram

Regenerative? What’s that? In the age of Twitter and smartphones, you can’t assume that things not related to the Internet are still generally known — or maybe they are? Amazingly, Google delivers nearly 80,000 hits for the search term ‘regenerative receiver’ and much more for the German name Audion, even though it lacks a lower-case as a prefix (‘iAudion’ also exists, but it yields only 12,000 hits). From this, we can conclude that this type of receiver is not entirely unknown nowadays, even if some of the search results have nothing to do with radio circuits. In any case, it’s a reasonable assumption that you all have the idea of what ‘regenerative’ means. If not: it’s a super-simple but nevertheless sensitive type of radio receiver. If you want to know more, check the references. The Wikipedia entry on this topic [1] is also quite extensive. The author is a fan of the many HF experiments and projects dreamed up by the well-known Elektor author Burkhard Kainka. Based on Kainka’s regenerative receiver circuit, the author developed an especially simple but high-performance version using modern components — a regenerative receiver using only garden-variety transistors, but with good reception characteristics. The author has published a version of this design on his website [2].

The Elektor version, which is perhaps a bit easier to build yourself, is described here. Instead of breadboard construction, which was common in the days before PCBs were invented, the component layout of the design presented here has been optimized with the Lochmaster 4 program for assembly on an Alex prototyping board (a.k.a. UPBS-1 and available from the Elektor Shop). First a few words about the circuit. A noteworthy feature is that both transistors are type BC548 in the 0815 package. Apparently, types that are actually designed for audio use are adequate for use with HF signals in the medium-wave broadcast band from 0.5 to 1.6 MHz, which is what we’re interested in here.

Variable capacitor C1 and coil L1 from the usual parallel resonant circuit that determines the receiver frequency. The special feature of a regenerative receiver is that an active component, or more precisely the gain of an active component, is used to implement a form of feedback that is adjusted to the point where the circuit is just on the edge of oscillation. This reduces the load on the resonant circuit and increases its selectivity, and the high gain makes the receiver fairly sensitive. The active component, in this case, is T1. The feedback is provided by P1 and the tap on L1. Here T1 does double duty: it provides HF gain and (thanks to the nonlinear characteristic of the BE junction) it demodulates the AM signals commonly transmitted in the MW band. T2 provides additional gain for the audio signal. A small loudspeaker or (preferably) headphones can be connected to coupling capacitor C6. The headphones should have a high impedance to improve matching. For this reason, it’s a good idea to connect the two earphones in series.

Assembling the circuit is straightforward thanks to the layout for the prototyping board. A bit more dexterity is required for making the aerial, but even here you don’t need much more than the usual hobbyist tools. You can have planks and laths sawn to the dimensions given in the components list in any home improvement shop for a small charge. Fit the PCB in the middle of the baseboard between the variable capacitor on the left and the potentiometer on the right. Screw the lath cross to the baseboard behind the PCB as shown in the photo of the prototype (note: in the prototype the author fitted a trimpot directly on the PCB instead of using an external potentiometer; this is also shown in the component layout for the Elex board). Wind 20 turns of enameled copper wire on the cross, with a tap at the end of the fifth turn. The exact arrangement is not as critical as it might appear to an HF novice. The prototype built in the Elektor lab drew 1.4 mA from a 9 V battery. The measured frequency range with this construction was 0.4 to 1.4 MHz. The reception quality is surprisingly good, once you get the hang of adjusting the feedback with potentiometer P1.

In terms of reception, the regenerative receiver can hold its own against superheterodyne receivers. If you want to connect an amplifier instead of headphones, you can replace R6 by a potentiometer with the positive end of C6 connected to its wiper. If you can’t scare up a suitable variable capacitor rated at 500 pF or so, you can purchase the VCAP4 from [3] and connect the two 265-pF gangs in parallel. Incidentally, in the Elektor lab it was necessary to reduce the turns count of the aerial loop by three in order to roughly match the receiver frequency range to the MW band. In our opinion, this regenerative receiver is not only a good example of a loop aerial receiver, but also a good candidate for a ‘father and son’ project where you can try out lots of things and learn from them. And don’t forget that a loop aerial receiver is a directional receiver!

Internet Links


[2] (in German)

[3] (in German)



Maska sa šargarepom i surutkom

Uzmite jednu ili dve šargarepe iseckane na male delove. Pomešajte je sa maslinovim uljem, kokosovim uljem, nekim esencijalnim uljem po izboru i medom. Kada se sastojci sjedine, zagrejte smesu 2 do 3 minuta. Nakon grejanja, dodajte surutku i ubacite u blender. Smesa će podsećati na smuti od šargarepe. Nanesite na kosu od korena do vrha i držite 20 do 25 minuta. Isperite dobrim šamponom. Ovaj tretman pre pranja šargarepom će kose podstaći rast kose i učiniti je glatkom i zdravom. Koristite ovu masku svakog vikenda i brzo ćete primetiti rezultate.