The radio-broadcast FM transmitters operate with output power that is much smaller than that of the AM transmitters. That is why the LF signal coming from the device on Pic.3.43 is rather small, urging the use of very sensitive headphones. They are much more expensive than the “ordinary” ones, making it better to use the cheap headphones in connection with audio amplifier. One such solution where TDA7050 IC is used is given on the Pic.3.44. The R3 resistor and capacitors C5 and C6 are to be added only if the operation of the device is unstable. There optimum values are to be found experimentally, starting with those shown in the picture. For loudspeaker reproduction any of the previously described amplifiers can be used, e.g. that from Pic.3.21 (which we have been using, very successfully), or one of the devices described in P.E.4 and P.E.5. Since in these amplifiers a battery with voltage bigger than 3 V is used, using of R3 and C5 is obligatory. The R3 is counted from the formula
R3 = (Ubat - 3)/0.235 [kOhm]
where UBAT is battery voltage, and 0.235 mA is the current through R1, that supplies T1 and T2. E.g. if UBAT=9 V, it is then and the nearest existing resistor is used.
R3 = (9-3)/0.235 = 25.5 kOhm
Capacitors C5 and C6 comprise, together with R3, a pass-filter for very low frequencies, which is used to separate the HF and LF parts of the receiver.The battery itself acts as a short-circuit for the AC currents. But when it ages its resistance increases and there is no more short-circuit. That is why C3 and C4 are added, to accomplish it.
L1 which is the oscillator coil is an air cored inductor, meaning no core is required, wire is super enamelled type, 0.8mm in thickness, diameter of 8mm, with five turns.
L2 is wound over R6 itself using 0.2mm super enameled copper wire with 20 turns.
Identify the possible Boot Menu keys for the computer depending on the computer manufacturer in the following list:
F12, F9, F2, Esc
F12, Esc
Esc, F12, F2
F11, Esc, F10
F12, Esc
Kako dodatno ubrzati Windows 10 ?
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Šta jesti ? Pa ono što jede Nole:
Kinou mogi korste kao zamenu za meso, obiluje vitaminima i mineralima i vrlo je hranjiva. Ona sadrži mnogo više proteina, vitamina B, dijetalnih vlakana i minerala nego mnoge druge žitarice.
Ako je jedete uz neo varivo gotovo da nećete primetiti razliku između ove žitarice i mesa.
Ono što je bitno navesti je to da kinoa sadrži svih osam aminokiselina koje su čoveku potrebne, za razliku od ostalih žitarica koje sadrže najviše tri. Čak su i Ujedinjene nacije prihvatile kinou kao superhranu.
Takođe, kinoa ne sadrži gluten i veoma je laka za varenje.
Kinoa pomaže kod varenja, a samim tim i mršavljenja, izbacuje nataložene toksine, ali i povoljno utiče na imuni sistem.
Narodna medicina kinou još koristi i za lečenje kožnih bolesti, reume, a zbog visokog sadržaja kalijuma ona blagotvorno utiče na kardiovaskularni sistem.
Once the USB drive is booted making it persistence is a 2 step process.
1. You create a savefile file.
Menu > System Tools > Porteus Savefile Manager Enter the password for root. toor Click on Click + to create a new savefile file. Enter the Location of your USB drive. Usually something like sdb1. Click OK.
Thus on your USB drive, sdb1, you will have a savefile file named: porteussave
2. You tell the Porteus boot menu where the savefile is.
Open the /mnt/sdb1/boot/syslinux/porteus.cfg file. sdb1 being the address of your USB drive. Scroll down to the first APPEND line. To the APPEND line add: changes=/mnt/sdb1/porteussave
Linux KVM( Kernal Based VirtualMachine) is another Type -1 hypervisor that is a base for different Linux hypervisor distros. Furthermore, it can convert different operating systems such as Redhat, OpenSuse, Centos, and Ubuntu into a full virtualization platform.KVM is acquired by the RedHat and supports all most all Linux, BSD, Solaris, and Windows operating systems as a guest. The administrator can control and manage the KVM installed virtual server either by command line or via a Graphical user interface (GU) provided by VirtManager. It supports x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or AMD-V). By default, it is a command-line tool.
Proxmox VE is a complete open-source virtualization management platform that closely integrates two virtualization technologies: KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) hypervisor and Linux container (LXC) to provide enterprise-class virtualization.
Proxmox VE also supports Paravirtualization (virtIO drivers for network, Grafik, hard disks); also HAV is possible with Proxmox VE.
Proxmox VE is based on Debian GNU/Linux and uses a customized Linux Kernel. The current stable 5.x release uses the latest Ubuntu 18.04 based kernel, which will be regularly updated. It supports full virtualization (with KVM) and container-based virtualization with LXC.
The Proxmox Open-Source Virtualization Platform has a monolithic system that provides three major functionalities of computing, network, and storage in a single package. It offers both command line and graphical user interface to control, deploy, destroy, monitor, and manage containers and virtual machines. Scalable and easy to use option for data centers, one must try it once.