Wednesday, September 22, 2021

FM Transmitter BC BF transistors

Operation of the fm transmiter with bf494

The signs captured by the electret microphone, your voice or close people’s chats, they are mischievous to the base of the transistor Q1 through C1 where are amplified. The resistor R2 together with R3 it determines this amplification.

Wanting a smaller earnings, because the sound tends to be distorted by the excessive earnings, we can reduce to value of R2 and R3.

After having amplified, the sign is removed of the collector of this transistor and mischievous to the base of Q2, where it modulates in frequency the sign generated by this stage. This stage is exactly an oscillator of high frequency that operates in the strip of FM. Your frequency is determined by L1 and for the adjustment of CV.

The obtained signs, already modulated in frequency, they are mischievous to a linked antenna in the collector of the transistor Q2.

The reach of the transmitter will depend a lot on this antenna, of the feeding of the circuit and of the place where will happen your operation. In open field, with a feeding of 6 V (4 piles AA) and an antenna of about 40 cm of length, we can arrive to the 200 meters. With a smaller antenna, or in place with many structures of iron (flagstones) the reach will be sensibly reduced. A common wall without metallic structure is not obstacle for this transmitter.

List material for assembly of the micro fm transmitters with bf494


Q1 – BC558

Q2 – BF494

MIC–microphone electret two terminals

Resistors: (1/4 W, 5%)

R1–4,7 KΩ (Yellow, violet, Red, Gold)

R2–220 KΩ (red, red, yellow, Gold)

R3–22 KΩ (red, red, orange, Gold)

R4–10 KΩ (Brown, black, orange, Gold)

R5–6,8 KΩ (Blue, Gray, red, Gold)

R6–47 Ω (Yellow, violet, Black, Gold)




C3–10 nF – ceramic

C4–4,7 pF – ceramic

C5–100 nF – ceramic

CV–trimmer from 3-30 to 5-50 pF


L1 – to see text

S1–simple Switch

B1 –3 to 6 V – Battery or power supply

ANT –antenna – to see text

Printed circuit board, box for assembly, support for 2 or 4 small Batteries, etc.

Download PDF files – PCB for FM transmitter

FM Good Stuff

BF494 Micro FM Transmitter


That small circuit transmitter it is ideal for ready espionage for strip from radio Fm or receiver of VHF. Of course the recreational purpose also exists and the children will adore to have a transmitter that allows to speak for a radio FM placed at distant place and like this pretend the secret agent.

Operation of the fm transmiter with bf494

The signs captured by the electret microphone, your voice or close people’s chats, they are mischievous to the base of the transistor Q1 through C1 where are amplified. The resistor R2 together with R3 it determines this amplification.

Wanting a smaller earnings, because the sound tends to be distorted by the excessive earnings, we can reduce to value of R2 and R3.

After having amplified, the sign is removed of the collector of this transistor and mischievous to the base of Q2, where it modulates in frequency the sign generated by this stage. This stage is exactly an oscillator of high frequency that operates in the strip of FM. Your frequency is determined by L1 and for the adjustment of CV.

The obtained signs, already modulated in frequency, they are mischievous to a linked antenna in the collector of the transistor Q2.

The reach of the transmitter will depend a lot on this antenna, of the feeding of the circuit and of the place where will happen your operation. In open field, with a feeding of 6 V (4 piles AA) and an antenna of about 40 cm of length, we can arrive to the 200 meters. With a smaller antenna, or in place with many structures of iron (flagstones) the reach will be sensibly reduced. A common wall without metallic structure is not obstacle for this transmitter.

List material for assembly of the micro fm transmitters with bf494


Q1 – BC558

Q2 – BF494

MIC–microphone electret two terminals

Resistors: (1/4 W, 5%)

R1–4,7 KΩ (Yellow, violet, Red, Gold)

R2–220 KΩ (red, red, yellow, Gold)

R3–22 KΩ (red, red, orange, Gold)

R4–10 KΩ (Brown, black, orange, Gold)

R5–6,8 KΩ (Blue, Gray, red, Gold)

R6–47 Ω (Yellow, violet, Black, Gold)




C3–10 nF – ceramic

C4–4,7 pF – ceramic

C5–100 nF – ceramic

CV–trimmer from 3-30 to 5-50 pF


L1 – to see text

S1–simple Switch

B1 –3 to 6 V – Battery or power supply

ANT –antenna – to see text

Printed circuit board, box for assembly, support for 2 or 4 small Batteries, etc.

Ponovo novi bag na Windows 10 u vezi printera

Ma ljudi moji, jel ovo moguće ?

Novi bag se pojavio na Windows 10 operativnim sistemima u vezi nemogućnosti rada mrežnih printera nakon redovnog update-a.

Error 0x0000011b Windows cannot connect to the printer operation failed KB5005565


Pre izvesnog vremena su bili oštećeni Kyocera printeri, a današnji bug deluje na sve tipove štampača u mreži, na primer HP Laser Jet 1102, Canon LBP2900, etc.

To su sve štampači koje inače imaju skoro sve lokalne samouprave, bolnice, domovi zdravlja, pa vi vidite na čemu smo.

Posle deinstalacije spornog update-a obavezno onemogućite Windows Update, možda bi bilo dobro uraditi i Windows 10 Debloater proceduru (

Za svaki slučaj uradite i debloat ako smete !

Windows 10 je legalan i plaćen, a problemi se samo redjaju !

Ako imate Windows 7 držite se njega, jer ove nebuloze ne utiču na njega.

Ovaj problem se pojavio 17.09.2021 pa sve do 21.09.2021, u zavisnosti kada Vam se Windows 10 apdejtovao.

Ako imate samo jedan štampač koji nije šerovan u mreži nećete osetiti ove probleme, ali ako ste neka ustanova, firma ili slično, jao si ga Vama, admini ima da rade puno radno vreme na deinstalaciji ovih Microsoft gluposti sa apdejtima.

Eto još jednog razloga da predjete na Linux, pametnom čoveku dosta, ali ima prilično Microsoft lobista, tako da je crna kapa.

Alternativa za Windows 10 i Windows 11:

Friday, September 17, 2021

Very good FM transmitter

MICRO EDITOR - the new editor

The most important part of this 88-108 transmitter is the Colpitts oscillator. C3,C4,C5,C6,CD1-CD2 ans L1 determine the transmission frequency. The RF Oscillator circuit has the BF982 MosFet transistor wich is the active part. The others 2 transistors separate the VCO from antenna.

The first stage BF199 amplifies the weak signal from the vco and functions in constant load. The second stage BFR90 amplifies the rf signal to load the antenna wich will radiate the radio frequency power.

Antenna can be one wire, 70 cm long. L1 coil has 1mm thick copper wire, 3.5 turns, 5 mm diameter and 1mm space between turns.

You can use BF199 instead of BFR90 and MV104 instead of the 2 varicape diodes.

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Super FM trans

 Este é um transmissor de FM pequeno mas bem potente que tem três estágios de RF incorporando um pré-amplificador de áudio para melhor modulação. Tem uma potência de 4 Watts e funciona com 12-18 VDC, tornando-o portátil. É o projeto ideal para o novato que deseja iniciar-se no fascinante mundo dos transmissores de FM e quer um circuito básico e bom para fazer experiências.

Lista de Componentes

R1 = 220K
R2 = 4,7K
R3 = R4 = 10K
R5 = 82 Ohm
R = 150 Ohm 1/2W X2 *
VR1 = 22K log trimpot

C1, C2 = 4,7 uF 25V eletrolítico
C3, C13 = 4,7nF cerâmico
C4, C14 = 1nF cerâmico
C5, C6 = 470pF cerâmico
C7 = 11pF cerâmico
C8 = 3-10pF trimmer
C9, C12 = 7-35pF trimmer
C10, C11 = 10-60pF trimmer
C15 = 4-20pF trimmer
C16 = 22nF cerâmico *

L1 = 4 voltas - 5,5mm diâmetro
L2 = 6 voltas - 5,5mm diâmetro
L3 = 3 voltas - 5,5mm diâmetro
L4 = impressa na placa
L5 = 5 voltas -7,5mm diâmetro

RFC1, RFC2 e RFC3 = VK200 RFC tsok

TR1 = TR2 = 2N2219 NPN
TR3 = 2N3553 NPN
TR4 = BC547/BC548 NPN
D1 = 1N4148 diodo *
MIC = microfone de cristal

Nota: Os componentes marcados com * são usados para o ajuste do transmissor no caso de você não ter um medidor de R.O.E. (onda estacionária).

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

FM World

This is the FM transmitter circuit which apply 4 radio frequency stages, that are a VHF oscillator designed around transistor BF494 (T1), a preamplifier designed around transistor BF200 (T2), a driver designed around transistor 2N2219 (T3) and also a power amplifier designed around transistor 2N3866 (T4). A condenser microphone is wired at the input of the oscillator.

The Operational of this FM transmitter circuit is very simple. At the time you speak close to the microphone, frequency-modulated signals are produced at the collector of oscillator transistor T1. The FM signals are amplified by the VHF preamplifier and also the pre-driver stage. You’ll be able to also use transistor 2N5109 as a placement of 2N2219.

The preamplifier works as a tuned class-A RF amplifier while the driver works as a class-C amplifier. Signals are finally fed towards the class-C RF power amplifier, which delivers RF power to a 50-ohm horizontal dipole or ground plane antenna.

Regulator IC 78C09 gives you stable 9V supply to the oscillator, so variation in the supply voltage is not going to have an impact on the frequency produced. You are able to also use a 12V battery to power the circuit.

Use a heat-sink with transistor 2N3866 for heat dissipation. Alter the trimmer VC1 connected across L1 to produce frequency within 88-108 MHz with care. Also alter trimmers VC2 through VC7 to obtain maximum output at maximum assortment.

Assemble the circuit on a generalpurpose PCB. Set up the antenna correctly for optimum range. Coils L1 through L5 are built with 20 SWG copper-enamelled wire wound over air-cores that have 8mm diameter. They will have 4, 6, 6, 5 and 7 turns of wire, respectively.

This 4 stage FM transmitter tested by Electronics For You mag and should be work. You can download this circuit in PDF version from the following link:

Read more

Friday, September 10, 2021

CanoScan LIDE 25 on Ubuntu

 In fiesty fawn support for CanoScan LIDE 25 is broken. The scanner gets identified properly and goes thru the motions of scanning and has an progress indicator on the xsane window but the scanned image results in a blank window. This is a documented bug and might be fixed with the next release.

a work around to this is to use the command line version of sane, here is how to do it

1. plug the scanner into the USB port and run the following command “sane-find-scanner “
you should see the follwing lines as pat of the output

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x2220 [CanoScan], chip=LM9832/3) at libusb:001:002
# Your USB scanner was (probably) detected. It may or may not be supported by
# SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend’s manpage.

2. type in scanimage -L” at the terminal. you should see the follwing lines as part of the output

device `plustek:libusb:001:002′ is a Canon LiDE25 USB flatbed scanner
3. you can now use the following command to get a scan

“scanimage –format=tiff –mode=Gray –depth=16 –resolution=100dpi -l 0 -t 0 -x 215 -y 215 >> test”

you can set different options for the mode, depth and resolution to get better quality scans. to see the various options available try the“scanimage –help” command.

Update : I found a better method of fixing the scanner issue on this site

While the solution provided fixes any scanner broken during an update from previous versions to feisty the solution also works for fresh install of feisty as well.

here is how you fix the scanner in a nutshell

1. install scanbuttond using apt
2. list usb devices : lsusb
3. run scanbuttond : scanbuttond -r 1000000
3. list available imaging devices : scanimage -L
4. Test basic scanner operation : scanimage -T -d (Append output of scanimage -L here)

for e.g for my scanner the command looks like this “scanimage -T -d plustek:libusb:001:002”

5. Test gui scanner operation : xsane

The above link gives you more detailed instructions, you should refer to that site if you didn’t understand the 5 steps above.



Koma-Mail portable (3.83)
Koma-Mail with installer (3.83)
Scan2PDF (Portable)
Yiola (1.2)


Solus must try Linux

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