Thursday, April 19, 2018

Web development Package for Free Pascal/Lazarus

Web development Package for Free Pascal/Lazarus

Free Spider is an object oriented web development package for Free Pascal / Lazarus. It is similar to Delphi’s web broker /WebSnap technology.

You can build web applications using Lazarus and deploy it in Linux, and Windows, and Mac.
You will get the benefits of Lazarus rich OOP features and database components to connect to FireBird, MySql, or PostgreSQL.
Your web application will be cross-platform.
It is easy to deploy Lazarus CGI web application executable or Apache Module library which are native to all platforms and need no additional libraries in deployment.
You will get a secure binary executable file/Library that you deploy in the server, and no one in server side could corrupt your code.
Built-in Automatic multipart/form-data decoder for uploading/downloading files
Smart Module Loading design enables you to split the design of your web applicaiton into many logical parts, This will facilitate team work, make your application readable and easy for maintinace

TSpiderCGI : Is used for CGI application
TSpiderApache : Is used for Apache Module application
TSpiderAction: Is used to receive requests and reply to different Paths
TSpiderPage: Is used with external HTML templates and to link it to active contents
TSpiderForm: It generates HTML form using OOP methods like SpiderForm1.AddInput(itText,, etc
TSpiderTable: Is used to generate HTML table from dataset or manually using OOP method like: SpiderTable1.AddRow(‘Yellow’, [‘One’, ‘Two’, Three’]);

Svi koji su imali posla sa Microsoft serverskom arhitekturom i velikim brojem klijenata na istom znaju koje su prednosti ekvivalentnih Linux serverskih rešenja i Apache tehnologije nasuprot kabastom Microsoft IIS-u. S obzirom da je do skora i Azure bio kompletno Windows orijentisan, sa host podrškom za Linux, situacija se menja i zbog brzine, sigurnosti i broja podržanih konekcija i Microsoft uvodi jedan kompletan lejer izgradjen u Linux-u i to kod nove Azure Sphere tehnologije za oblake. Tako da Azure od hostinga prelazi na strukturno usvajanje Linux-a, kao sloja sigurnosti u svojim budućim klaud tehnologijama.

Cilj nam je da razbijemo famu oko superiornosti, .net frameworka, i ostalih djakonija iz Microsoft kuhinje i da predstavljajući alternativna opensource rešenja nateramo na razmišljanje zombi microsoft orijentisane glave. Na taj način provetravamo im ustajale mozgove u Microsoft žabokrečini. Jeste da zaradjujete mnogo, ali potrebno je da izadjete na slobodno open source sunce ponekad, nije sve u novcu.

I sam Microsoft je shvatio da je Linux server mnogo brži i kvalitetniji od Azure i sličnih rešenja, pa je napravio svoju varijantu linuxa kao jedan sloj zaštite svojih Azure Sphere serverskih rešenja:

For the first time ever, Microsoft will distribute its own version of Linux


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