Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Share Printer in Windows 10 problem

 Just uninstall KB5005565 if "Share Printer Not Connecting". (Operation failed with error 0x0000011b Windows 10)


Good language for development:

Audio mixer (mikseta):

Информатички појмови на српском језику:

live stream = Животок

streaming = Инфоток

update = Инопуна 

CD = Сикоћало

DVD = Дискоћало

Blu-ray = Плавозрак / Плавоћало

Card Reader = Читало

.NET GUI terminal:

Python goodies:

Heatless (cold) Toner Transfer (for PCB):

8 parts Alcohol

3 parts Acetone


1) Wait 5-10 seconds before applying final preassure. During this time ACETONE is reacting with the toner, rendering it sticky.

2) Press with clotes, and wait two or more minutes until all solvents are totally volatilized.

3) Dip the board in water for at least 2 minutes.  Time may vary, depending on the paper used.
I use regular glossy coated paper.
Don't use transparency paper as it won't allow for proper evaporation of solvents.

4) Carefully peel the paper off the board starting from a corner.
You can see there is absolutely no toner on the paper, It's all on the copper.


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