Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Stop code: CRITICAL PROCESS DIED Windows 10


When Windows 10 stop code critical process died happens, it means the process which was needed to run the system ended due to corrupted or missing system files, bad device drivers, virus attack, compatibility issues, bad sectors, etc.

Now, there are several ways to repair the issue that you have on your computer but having said that keyboard is not working when you boot up to windows with command prompt, troubleshooting needed requires us to use a working keyboard. You might need to get an external one to run the repair on your computer.

Assuming that you have the keyboard/external keyboard up and running here are some steps that might help you repair your windows.

Step 1: Running SFC Scan on computer.
-To do that, you just need boot again your computer with command prompt and type sfc /scannow and hit enter. It will going to find any integrity issues and violations on your computer and will attempt to repair it.

Step 2: Run DISM to repair corrupted windows image
-Once SCF completes it scan, you need to run the below command one at a time to repair any windows corrupted images.
*Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth
*Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth
*Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Step 3: Run Check Disk on your computer
-On the same windows command prompt you can try to run check disk on your computer to check to repair both file system errors and scan for and recover bad sectors. To do this just type chkdsk /r on the command prompt and hit enter. Wait for the process to complete and restart your computer.

If all troubleshooting steps mentioned above didn't work, you might need to create a Windows Bootable Media to repair the computer. You can do that by visiting this link and follow the instruction on how to create a bootable media to repair windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-downlo...

Last resort if all repair fails, you might need to re-install windows on your PC using custom installation to saved your personal files from being deleted permanently on your computer.

Hope this helps, Have a good day.

cd d:\windows\system32\config
md backup
copy *.* backup
cd regback
copy *.* ..
Overwrite (All) ? a

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