Wednesday, July 19, 2023

SQL tut

 select c1,c2 from t;

--Query data in columns c1,c2 from a table

Select * from t;

--Query all rows and columns from a table

select c1,c2 from t where condition;

--Query data and filer rows with a condition

select distinct c1 from t whwre condition;

--Query distinct rows from a table

select c1, c2 from t order by c1 ASC[DESC];

--Sort the result set in ascending or descanding order

select c1, c2 from t order by c1 limit n offset offset;

--Skip offset of rows and return the next n rows

select c1, aggregate(c2) form t group by c1;

--Group rows using an aggregate function

select c1, aggregate(c2) from t goup by c1 having condition;

--Filter groups using HAVING clause

select c1, c2 from t1 inner join t2 on condition;

--Inner join t1 and t2

select c1, c2 form t1 left join t2 on condition;

--Left join t1 and t2

select c1, c2 form t1 right join t2 on condition;

--Right join t1 and t2

select c1, c2 from t1 full outer join t2 on condition;

--Perform full outer join

select c1, c2 from t1 cross join t2;

--Produce a Cartesian product of rows in tables

select t1, t2 form t1, t2;

--Another way to perform cross join

select c1, c2 from t1 A inner join t2 B on condition;

--Join t1 to itself using inner join clause

select c1, c2 form t1 union [ALL] select c1, c2 from t2;

--Combine rows from two queries

select c1, c2 from t1 intersect select c1, c2 from t2;

--Return the intersection of two queries

select c1, c2 from t1 minus select c1, c2 from t2;

--Subtract a result set from another result set

select c1, c2 form t1 where c1 [NOT] LIKE pattern;

--Query rows using pattern maching %, _

select c1, c2 form t1 ehere c1 [NOT] IN value_list;

--Query rows in a list

select c1, c2 from t where c1 between low and high;

--Query rows between two values

select c1, c2 from t where c1 IS [NOT] NULL;

--Check if values in table is NULL or not


Probaj Framer Promptovi: Nauči Dizajn:

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