Friday, March 6, 2020

Anti virus

Karfiol je bogat vlaknima, koja pomaže da se poveća imunitet organizma. Dajemo vam spisak 9 neverovatnih zdravstvenih prednosti karfiola:
1. Pomaže kod artritisa
Pošto je karfiol bogata izvor vitamina K i omega 3 masnih kiselina, pomaže da se smanji bol prouzrokovan stanjem artritisa. Karfiol ima anti inflamatorna svojstva koja smanjuju upalu i bol u zglobovima. To pomaže da se ublaže bolovi u zglobovima u bilo kom delu tela.
2. Pomaže kod čira na želucu
Karfiol je bogate jedinjenjem poznato kao Glukorafanin koje sprečava stomak od infekcija koje izazivaju čirevi. Bogat izvor vlakana, takođe je dobar za zdravlje creva. On promoviše normalan rad creva u telu, što je opet dobro za stanje hroničnog zatvora.
3. Pomaže u procesu starenja
Karfiol je bogat antioksidantima, pomaže da se preokrene proces starenja kod žena. Antioksidansi u karfiolu uništavaju slobodne radikale koji pomažu da se uspori proces starenja. Uključite ga u vašoj ishrani za dobijanje mlađeg izgleda kože.
4. Sprečava rak

Nedavna studija je dokazala da karfiol ima visok nivo jedinjenja koja sprečavaju razne vrste raka u telu. Sprečava rizik od raka debelog creva i raka želuca. Karfiol takođe sprečava rizik od raka dojke.
5. Pomaže u trudnoći

Karfiol je bogat vitaminom B9. Ovaj vitamin promoviše zdravu trudnoću u svakoj fazi. I, takođe sprečava rizik od urođenih defekata nerođenog deteta. Nedostatak folata u organizmu često izaziva probleme u drugoj fazi trudnoće.
6. Dobar je za zdravlje srca
Karfiol je bogat izvor alicina, koji smanjuje rizik od srčanih udara u mnogim slučajevima. Karfiol takođe ima jedinjenje koje pomaže da se smanji visok nivo holesterola u organizmu. Normalno nivo holesterola dodatno sprečava rizik od srčanog udara i drugih srčanih oboljenja.
7. Odličan je za mršavljenje
Karfiol promoviše zdrav gubitak težine. Ako ste na dijeti mršavljenja, onda bi potrošnja sirovog karfiola obezbedila potrebnu energiju za telo. Karfiol ne sadrži kalorije tako da je sigurno dobar izbor za dijetu.
8. Pomaže kod krvnog pritiska
Karfiol pomaže i povećava normalan nivo protoka krvi u svim bitnim organima u telu. Ne samo da povećava protok krvi, već pomaže da se održi normalan nivo krvnog pritiska tela. Smanjuje visok krvni pritisak u određenoj meri.
9. Pomaže da se poveća imunitet
Karfiol je prepun važnih hranljivih sastojaka i vitamina, pomaže da se izgradi normalan imuni sistem organizma. Pomaže da se prevaziđe stanje umora. Bogat je vitaminom B, magnezijumom, kalijumom i niacinom, što je dobro za krv i zdravlje kostiju.

Organize yourself

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Linux security

Test ServerBelgrade, RS
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Peachpie is PHP 7 compiler based on Roslyn by Microsoft and drawing from popular Phalanger. It allows PHP to be executed within the .NET/.NETCore by compiling the PHP code to pure MSIL.
Phalanger is a project which was started at Charles University in Prague and was supported by Microsoft. It compiles source code written in the PHP scripting language into CIL (Common Intermediate Language) byte-code. It handles the beginning of a compiling process which is completed by the JIT compiler component of the .NET Framework. It does not address native code generation nor optimization. Its purpose is to compile PHP scripts into .NET assemblies, logical units containing CIL code and meta-data.
Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder is a free command line tool to convert PHP applications to standalone Windows .exe applications. The exe files produced are totally standalone, no need for php dlls etc. The php code is encoded using the Turck MMCache Encode library so it's a perfect solution if you want to distribute your application while protecting your source code. The converter is also suitable for producing .exe files for windowed PHP applications (created using for example the WinBinder library). It's also good for making stand-alone PHP Socket servers/clients (using the php_sockets.dll extension). It's NOT really a compiler in the sense that it doesn't produce native machine code from PHP sources, but it works!
ZZEE PHPExe compiles PHP, HTML, Javascript, Flash and other web files into Windows GUI exes. You can rapidly develop Windows GUI applications by employing the familiar PHP web paradigm. You can use the same code for online and Windows applications with little or no modification. It is a Commercial product.
The PHP extension bcompiler is used to compile PHP script code into PHP bytecode. This bytecode can be included just like any php file as long as the bcompiler extension is loaded. Once all the bytecode files have been created, a modified Embeder is used to pack all of the project files into the program exe.
  • php5ts.dll
  • php_win32std.dll
  • php_bcompiler.dll
  • php-embed.ini
WinBinder is an open source extension to PHP, the script programming language. It allows PHP programmers to easily build native Windows applications, producing quick and rewarding results with minimum effort. Even short scripts with a few dozen lines can generate a useful program, thanks to the power and flexibility of PHP.
PHP Desktop is an open source project founded by Czarek Tomczak in 2012 to provide a way for developing native desktop applications using web technologies such as PHP, HTML5, JavaScript & SQLite. This project is more than just a PHP to EXE compiler, it embeds a web-browser (Internet Explorer or Chrome embedded), a Mongoose web-server and a PHP interpreter. The development workflow you are used to remains the same, the step of turning an existing website into a desktop application is basically a matter of copying it to "www/" directory. Using SQLite database is optional, you could embed mysql/postgresql database in application's installer.
PHP Nightrain
Using PHP Nightrain you will be able to deploy and run HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP web applications as a native desktop application on Windows, Mac and the Linux operating systems. Popular PHP Frameworks (e.g. CakePHP, Laravel, Drupal, etc…) are well supported!
phc-win "fork"
A more-or-less forked version of phc-win, it uses the same techniques as phc-win but supports almost all modern PHP versions. (5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, etc) It also can use Enigma VB to combine the php5ts.dll with your exe, aswell as UPX compress it. Lastly, it has win32std and winbinder compilied statically into PHP.
Another option is to use
an online compiler that can build executables for a number of different platforms, from a number of different languages including PHP
TideSDK is actually the renamed Titanium Desktop project. Titanium remained focused on mobile, and abandoned the desktop version, which was taken over by some people who have open sourced it and dubbed it TideSDK.
Generally, TideSDK uses HTML, CSS and JS to render applications, but it supports scripted languages like PHP, as a plug-in module, as well as other scripting languages like Python and Ruby

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My programming language - just an idea

//maximal 26 (26 English letters)

//maximal 26 (26 English letters)

When you click on button, all entered data from form-objects (previously defined in interface.txt) must be written in temporary.txt file.

After that, all contents from temporary.txt will be written in SQLite database datagrid (dataset).

After that you can use command.txt file to write SQL commands to process data in the dataset.

When SQL execute, you get result in a form of Report, XLS, HTML, PDF or something else format.


Multi-platformsko programiranje za Windows, Linux i macOS

Microsoft Windows 20

First thing: ransomware doesn't really "hide" per se. If you get hit with cryto, believe me, you'll know it because your employees will definitely tell you. If you don't have data services watching your files and alerting you to sudden unexpected changes, the employees will be your canary in the coal mine; throwing loud and apocalyptic sounding fits when they suddenly can't access their work.

The whole idea of ransomware is to separate your company from its own data and to hold that data hostage until the author gets paid. Databases, Office documents, email OST and PST files, multimedia files, etc. will more or less suddenly become unreachable because the infection will encrypt those files and, often, even change the file-types on them in order to make them doubly hard to access. Most infections will even be so kind as to leave a ransom note in each folder that it has touched, with instructions on how to pay up in order to get the decryption key.

The good news is that, at least in my experience (yeah, I've been through a crypto attack and not only lived to tell the tale, but got all my company's data back without paying the ransom, thanks to copious backups), crypto won't usually go after your backups unless the drives that those backups are on are mapped on patient zero. If you're backing up to tape, even better.

You see, 99 times out of 100, the infection will come as an email to one of your users. In typical ID-10-T user fashion, they'll click a link without bothering to verify it, or open and execute an attachment, even though they don't know who it's coming from. As soon as they execute such a nasty piece of work, it will, almost invariably, go to work immediately, like PAC-MAN, on your data. So, if your backups are separated from your users, themselves, they - the backups - will be safe from all but the most sophisticated of attacks. You have to remember what these guys are after: they want to get paid - as often and as quickly as possible. It would be against their best interests to create a time bomb variant that sits on your backups and hits you at some later date. Something like that would be more in line with targeted state cyber warfare or industrial espionage than your run of the mill ransomware attack.

As said before, keep your AV and whatever other security schemes you have in place updated and running, don't map drives on your users' machines that you're too afraid of losing if you can help it, and keep a weather eye out for odd behavior on your data drives. Then you should be ok. If you suddenly find that files and folders have become unreachable due to being changed en-mass, find patient-zero - should be easy because they'll be the first to alert you that they can't do their work - then nuke their machine, administer some "wall-to-wall counseling" to said ID-10-T user, and then go to your backups from before the incident started. It really is as simple as that.

Crucial practices against ransomware attacks on your PC 
Ransomware has become a growing threat to home users and small offices with less sophisticated defense systems. Put an end to malware infections, here are some tips and tricks to avoid becoming another victim of ransomware.

Update your operating system
Outdated computer systems are relatively more vulnerable to ransomware attacks. This is why it is essential to perform regular software and operating system updates to improve the security of your computer.

Install a reputable security suite
Install a good antivirus software or a reputable security suite to help you detect and fight off malicious threats, giving you an extra form of protection.

Avoid suspicious files
Stay on guard and think twice before opening email attachments or clicking files from unknown sources. Watch out for suspicious files with hidden file-extensions such as “.pdf.exe”

Disable remote access
Malware often targets computers using RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Keep RDP disabled if you do not require remote access.

Multi-version backup, your best weapon against ransomware 
Encryption-based ransomware is getting sophisticated and may not be detected by anti-malware software in time. Once infected, you will be locked out from your own data and there is still no guarantee you can retrieve your data even after paying the ransom! It is highly recommended to perform routine backups to restore infected files and minimize damage. Take advantage of multi-version backup — a robust backup solution allowing you to restore previous versions of the infected files.

Back up your computer data to NAS
Create a multi-version backup for point-in-time recovery to avoid paying a hefty ransom to unlock your data. Synology Drive Client is the perfect solution to backing up data stored on your computer to Synology NAS servers. You can retain up to 32 historical versions of a single file – kept safe from folder encryption. Learn more about Synology Drive Client

Back up NAS data to other destinations
Backing up locally just might not be enough should a more destructive ransomware attack shared folders on your NAS server through accessing file services on your PC. The best way to prevent this is to add another layer of protection by having uninfected backup versions stored in an offsite location. If you fall victim of ransomware, you can still access data stored at different locations.

Hyper Backup  
Hyper Backup lets you enjoy a full range of multi-version backup destinations from local shared folders, expansion units, and external hard drives, to network shared folders, rsync server, and public cloud services.

Hyper Backup also offers solid protection for local backup. You can isolate data from internet threats by configuring your PCs' access privilege to certain shared folders on Synology NAS to further prevent outside forces from accessing critical backup data stored in your NAS shared folder. Learn more about Hyper Backup

Snapshot Replication 
The cutting-edge Btrfs file system supports state-of-the-art snapshot technology on select NAS models. Snapshot Replication allows you to replicate data from a primary site to an offsite location up to every 5 minutes and 15 minutes for LUNs, ensuring all your critical data in shared folders or virtual machines in iSCSI LUNs can be recovered quickly in the event of disaster.

What is ZFS?

What is ZFS?

Introducing ZFS: Your Enterprise-Grade File System 

Many people have heard of ZFS, but are unsure what it actually is. So, what is ZFS? The Zeta File System (ZOL on Linux) is an enterprise-grade transactional file system that uses the concept of storage pools to manage physical storage space. Sun Microsystems began work on the product in 2001 and released it in 2005 as part of OpenSolaris. Even after OpenSolaris was discontinued, ZFS gained popularity since it is a user-friendly, scalable, and powerful data management system. Its strength lies in its simple administration model. 

What is ZFS?

The Oracle Corporation, famous for its cloud-based data management system, defines ZFS as “a revolutionary new file system that fundamentally changes the way file systems are administered, with features and benefits not found in any other file system found today.” It was designed to eliminate volume management by merging devices together into a storage pool. As such, ZFS operates similar to RAID technologies. 

Who uses ZFS? 

Companies or individuals who store massive amounts of data and those who prefer network-attached storage systems (NAS) often choose ZFS instead of a cloud. As a redundant storage system, ZFS protects data in the event of a disaster. Small businesses also choose ZFS since it gives them the privacy they are denied in a public cloud as well as complete control over their data. 
QSM, QSAN’s NAS Operating System, runs on this file system. 

How does ZFS work?

As an enterprise-grade file system, ZFS allows users to create and manage file systems with ease since by eradicating the need to edit configuration files or issue multiple commands. Users can set a quota to limit the amount of disk space used or reserve disk space for a specific file system. 
ZFS uses a hierarchical system layout defined by location- and- conductor-specific sub-module ports each of which is restricted in the locality. Basically, it manages the physical storage of data through storage pools, which allow file systems to share disk space within the pool. 
When users need a larger storage pool, they add disks similar to adding memory to a computer. As users add storage space, the file systems automatically use the additional memory without the user needing to configure that memory or assign individual processes. This system limits human touch, making it not only easy to use but also highly reliable. 

What are ZFS’ enterprise features?

As a transactional file system, ZFS maintains a consistent state for the file system on the disk. Instead of overwriting data, which leaves the file system in an inconsistent state, ZFS manages data with a copy-on-write mechanism. This approach means that neither power losses nor system crashes can corrupt the file system. 
A checksum algorithm can verify ZFS’ data and metadata in order to protect file integrity. Rather than performing checksum verification on a per-block basis, ZFS checksums work at a file systems level. The storage pools can self-heal data by detecting bad data blocks and replacing them with a redundant copy. Essentially, ZFS can silently check data and make repairs without user involvement. 
ZFS’ most significant feature may be its scalability. Since ZFS can manage 1 billion terabytes of data, nearly any size business or IT department can use the system. It designates all metadata dynamically, meaning users do not have to preallocate inodes, which could reduce scalability. 
As Oracle notes, “Directories can have up to 248 (256 trillion) entries, and no limit exists on the number of file systems or the number of files that can be contained within a file system.” 
ZFS also offers a built-in snapshot, which can grab a picture of stored data at a precise instant. Users find snapshots quick and easy. Snapshots take up no extra disk space in the pool at first, but as data evolves, they reference old data and thus consume some space. These snapshots prevent old data from slipping back into the current storage pool. ZFS can also send and receive file system snapshots, a process that allows users to optimize their disk space. 

Why do users choose ZFS?

Most users select ZFS because it offers a simple administration model. Creating and managing file systems becomes easy with no separate volume manager commands to learn. Plus, the system manages mount points automatically. The file system’s low costs let companies create new ones for each project and user, enabling finer data management. 

Data Integrity, ZFS vs. Other File Systems

Why data integrity take place nowadays?

In the digital era, small files I/O and requests have taken place for nowadays technologies, such as financial blockchains, artificial intelligence, internet of things and e-commerce. These happened everywhere in our daily lives, for example, paying grocery shopping via mobile payments, withdraw cash in ATM, activity sensors in offices, factories, and public transportation stations, and many more activities that you can’t imagine. The rise of mobile apps and innovative technology transformed nearly every aspect of our lives. The incredible convenience was created to serve people and hard to believe how it been working in the last decade. However, the more convenience we have experienced, the more data we have been created. However, have you ever imagined that once if the data has been incorrectly placed or recorded, what if the data was accidentally corrupted by itself, what if the wrong data has replaced the right one? With these ideas came out, data integrity has become the major challenge for IT for the devastating threats and the fundamental of the digital era.

Why XCubeNAS?

In the principle of designing XCubeNAS, data integrity was at the top of the list making the development team to face multiple trade-offs between safety and performance. We have crafted a unique design for user-defined pools, which fulfills different application requirements; each of them serves a different purpose: Databases, General, and Media Streaming.
The database pool is designed to have the highest performance with smaller files. The general pool fulfills requirements of 80% of applications, like backup and file sharing. The media streaming pool provides high performance for larger files and is optimized for 10GbE, Thunderbolt 3.

How XCubeNAS ensure data integrity?

Data integrity and data safety are essential for databases. QSAN’s storage management software, QSM, offers two mechanisms to ensure an absence of data failures between servers and storage. First, we set the data to write through the cache to prevent data loss from accidental disasters, like flash damage or power outage. The second, we apply ZFS checksum. ZFS’ checksum was designed to ensure data integrity. In other file systems, like EXT4, checksums are used for integrity checks and only protect against bit rots. ZFS’ checksum, however, prevents issues such as phantom writes, misdirected reads and writes, direct memory access parity errors and accidental overwrites. The checksum is accomplished by storing it in the parent block pointer instead of in the block itself that contains a self-validating SHA-256 checksum.
Additionally, ZFS also supports self-healing data by using a mirrored setup similar to RAID0. Apart from this, other file systems are not addressable if a block is corrupt unless it’s a metadata block, which means other file systems may pass bad blocks to the application and it might overwrite the accurate data in other mirrors. ZFS is a transaction-based file system, which means the operations are atomic, if operation crash or power outage occurs, the file system can quickly recover from corruption.

Beyond Security, the performance

Higher security requires higher resources. As mentioned above, ZFS is using the memory-based checksum, which claims higher memory capacity installed in the system. Also, ZFS has used ARC, Adaptive Replacement Cache algorithm, which was implemented in ZFS to outperform the traditional RAM algorithm by providing a superior hit rate. Moreover, high performance is not the only goal for ZFS, to ensure each file and blocks are correct, ZFS also requires longer computing time and RAM capacity to complete the process, which may impact the latency and impact performance.


In this summary, ZFS has its capacity to prevent silent data corruption which secures the data during transmission and storage. In any application scenario, sending and receiving the uncorrupt data is essential. That’s how the XCubeNAS was designed. Built on ZFS, it is a reliable and high-performance enterprise storage solution.

Monday, March 2, 2020


You can trick Windows by using the USB printer as a dummy "network" printer connected to LPT1.

Share the USB printer

Use a share-name easy to remember, such as "Printer".

Connect the shared printer as LPT1

NET USE LPT1: \\[Computer-Name]\Printer /PERSISTENT:YES


@echo off
::delete the printer
net use lpt1 /delete
::add the printer
net use lpt1 \\\COMPUTER\PRINTER /persistent:yes
::fire up the nasty ol' DOS program
<existing syntax used to start the program>



NUM LOCK issues:

Sunday, March 1, 2020


40-te godine su vrata između plodnih godina i srednjih godina, a kako se vaše telo priprema za ovu tranziciju, očekujte da vaši hormoni divlje fluktuiraju, posebno estrogen i testosteron. - kaže Kantor.

Pomozite telu da stabilizuje nivo hormona tako što ćete konzumirati cvetnjače, uključujući kupus, brokoli, karfiol, prokelj, jer se to pokazalo moćnim u otklanjanju viška hormona i može pomoći u prevenciji raka. Pored toga, omega 3 masne kiseline će pomoći da se oslobodite od stresa, izgradite imuni sistem i poboljšate kožu. Jedite masne ribe kao što su losos, iverak, pastrmka, inčuni i sardine, a takođe i orahe, lan i chia semenke.

Hrana koju treba da izbegavate u 40-im godinama

Dok ste bili u mogućnosti da se prepustite brzoj hrani kao redovnim obrocima 20-tih i 30-tih godina, a da ne vidite štetne efekte, do 40-ih godina ćete te efekte, i te kako, primetiti. Ako još uvek niste, ovo je decenija dkada treba da se sklonite od brze hrane, grickalica, a posebno gaziranih sokova punih šečćerom.

Još jedna stvar na koju treba da pazite tokom ove decenije je unos soli. Previše natrijuma je povezano sa visokim krvnim pritiskom, nadimanjem i povećanjem telesne težine.

- Obratite pažnju na hranljive sastojke. Većina unosa soli dolazi od obrađene hrane poput supe, pice, hleba, sosova i zamrznutih jela. Uvek je bolje jesti svežu, neprerađenu hranu.- kaže Hilton.