Wednesday, March 25, 2020


Evo liste neke hrane koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem.
1. Paprika babura
Nisu pomorandže jedina hrana koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem, a da sadrže vitamin C, nadaleko poznat kao dobar za čuvanje od infekcija. Paprike babure su takođe nosioci, pa čak sadrže i dvaput više vitamina C nego citrusi, što će ojačati vaš imuni sistem.
2. Piletina
Namirnice životinjskog porekla koje sadrže cink, poput piletine, bolje se apsorbuju nego biljne, poput mahunarki. Za žene je dovoljno 8mg, a za muškarce 11mg cinka. Oko 85 grama piletine može da obezbedi oko 2,4 mg cinka, a piletina kao hrana koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem bi bilo dobro da bude bez kože, da meso bude tanko, a masnoća odstranjena.
3. Pečurke
Vaš imuni sistem najbolje funkcioniše kada ima dovoljno glutationa koji štiti i pomaže ćelijama u imunološkom sistemu. Ovaj moćni antioksidans proizvodi vaše telo, ali s godinama, njegov nivo može pasti. Hrana koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem i obezbediti ovaj antioksidans jesu upravo pečurke.
4. Spanać
Spanać je na listi hrane koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem ne samo zato što je bogat vitaminom C, već je i pun antioksidanasa koji povećavaju sposobnost imunog sistema za borbu protiv infekcija. Ali pazite da spanać ne prekuvate, jer se hranjive materije i vitamini lako uništavaju od vrućine.
5. Papaja
Verovatno i ne jedete mnogo papaje, ali možda možete da počnete. Papaja ima 157 odsto dnevne preporuke unosa vitamina C, i kao takva je hrana koja će ojačati vaš imuni sistem. Papaje takođe sadrže i enzim pogodan za varenje koji ima i antiupalne efekte, a uz to i folat, B vitamine i vitamin A. Papaja je i idealni sastojak raznih slatkiša, čime se kombinuje lepo i korisno.
6. Jogurt
Ne samo da je dobar za varenje, jogurt i umanjuje ozbiljnost prehlade i gripa. Istraživanja su pokazala da probiotici u fermentisanoj hrani pomažu da imate jači imuni sistem. Takođe, jogurt sadrži i cink, vitamin A, kalcijum, kalijum i ugljene hidrate da pomognu telu da se oporavi.

HL Alyx VR

Us angel: Jacqueline Nastic

More tips from Flavio:

In this special period in time, my React, Node, Vue, Svelte and Next.js courses are currently at a 50% discount. If you find yourself at home and you're looking to invest your time to learn something new that can be beneficial to you in the future, like learning an in-demand skill is, I decided to make this special promo. Check them out.
In the past 2 days I've been having a lot of fun creating simple games in JavaScript using the Phaser library. I made a post on how to set up a Phaser project so I can use a modern workflow with Parcel and browser-sync, and see my changes immediately in a browser window.
I'll be adding a chapter on writing JavaScript games in my upcoming JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, because that's a fun way to learn many of the core concepts of JS.
I'm adding lots of lessons to the bootcamp and I'm refining the syllabus every day. I spent more than 60 hours on it this week, and it's going to take me a few months to complete.
I wrote a module on AWS Lambda and serverless, and I discovered this new unit of measure I hadn't head before: GB-seconds. Turns out it's a way that AWS Lambda uses to figure out how many resources our serverless Node.js functions consume.
Some of the lessons of the bootcamp will be published as blog posts to give you an idea of what's inside. Check this introduction to REST APIs as an example.
I spent a 3 days just talking about Node modules. Here's a list of the Node.js core modules and what they do.
Managing a course with a lot of lessons means changing folder names and ordering a lot. I wrote a command-line script in Node.js to increment folder numbers automatically for me.
Ah, I have a cool story too. I've always been a contractor/freelancer all my working life, but in 2017, I was somewhat tired and got this idea of being hired full time at a company. I started learning Go, just to change things a bit, and I wrote my adventure doing so in this post: my plan for being hired as a Go developer.
That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday!
P.S. don't forget to follow me on Twitter

Monday, March 23, 2020

Rad na daljinu u Srbiji


Web Stack (MySQL)
Blog Publishing Platform
Network Management and Monitoring
Simple Network Attached Storage
Open Source VPN solution
free Active Directory server
Share files, music, calendar
Integrated SCM & Project Management
Open Source Directory Services
Ticket Request System
1 host, multiple TurnKey apps
From ERP to CRM, eCommerce to CMS
Self Hosted Git Management & DevOps Toolchain
Mobile-ready user-friendly content management
Simple Network Attached Media Storage
Advanced Object-relational Database System
File download and sharing server
Relational Database Management System
Asynchronous Javascript Framework

ONLINE OPERATING SYSTEM - Access from any device - just anywhere !

Наши драги родитељи, деке и баке су послушали апеле надлежних и веома се придржавају кућне изолације.


Fotokopirnica - skener u malom prstu - samo na Androidu

web login php

rearrange windows

Friday, March 20, 2020

Novak Djokovic vs Corona Virus

Chloroquine + Zink

Novak Đoković je poznat po zdravom načinu ishrane. On je ekskluzivno na dao svoje viđenje u vezi Korona virusa i kako bi ljudi trebali da rade da bi pojačali imunitet organizma. Tekst vam prenosimo u celosti.
– Uvećajte unos Vitamina C i Cinka. Preporučeno je između 5 do 7 grama dnevno Vitamina C, a može i do 10. Ukoliko nađete tečni Cink, bolje je nego u drugoj formi. U slučaju da ne nađete tečni Cink, i u pilulama je dobro uzimati 3 do 4 puta veću dozu nego uobičajeno preporučene doze.


//PHP password hash:

$hash = password_hash("CLEAR", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
$ok = password_verify("CLEAR", "HASHED");

//Openssl encript decript:

$hash = openssl_encript("CLEAR", "AES-128-ECB", "SECRETKEY");
$plain = openssl_decript("HASHED", "AES-128-ECB", "SECRETKEY");


$hash = crypt("CLEAR TEXT");
$ok = hash_equals("HASHED", crypt("CLEAR", "HASHED"));


$hash = md5("CLEAR");
$ok = md5("CLEAR") == $hash;



Here are this week's five links that are worth your time:

1. The Coronavirus Quarantine Developer Skill Handbook – my tips for how to make the most of your time and learn to code for free from home (12 minute read):

2. How to outsource your online security, and stay secure without having to think so hard about it (5 minute read):

3. A software engineer from Romania live-streamed himself finishing all 6 freeCodeCamp certifications in a single month. It takes most people thousands of hours to accomplish this. Here's his story. (7 minute read):

4. How to get started with Serverless Architecture (12 minute read):

5. An Intro to Metrics Driven Development, and how data can inform the design of your apps (10 minute read):

Quote of the Week: "Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen." - Edward V. Berard

Happy coding.

- Quincy Larson