Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Rad od kuće - besplatno

Kako da napravite virtuelni kompjuter kome možete pristupati daljinski

Najpre treba da instalirate neki Linux, najjednostavnije je Linux LiteLinux Mint, Elementary OS ili MX Linux.

Linux Mint za jače kompjutere, a Linux Lite i Elementary OS za slabije.

Nakon instalacije Linux-a instalirajte "Synaptic" package manager ako ga nemate već instaliranog, on će Vam omogućiti da instalirate ostalo što Vam treba od programa.

Instalirajte i PlayOnLinux za eventualno pokretanje Windows aplikacija direktno pod Linuxom, i naravno jednu Oracle VM virtuelnu mašinu sa Windows 10 operativnim sistemom, jer na poslu sigurno koristite Windows 10.

Preostalo je još da na svom ruteru otvorite port za pristup svom novom Linux serveru, a nakon toga instalirajte XDMPC koji treba da konfigurišete na način sličan ovome:

XDMCP is designed for this. On your server, you need to enable XDMCP support in your desktop manager:
  • if you're using kdm, look for
    at the end of your kdmrc, change false to true and restart kdm;
  • if you're using lightdm, add
    to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and restart lightdm.
Then on your client, start X using
X -query ${SERVER_IP}
(with the appropriate IP address instead), and your server's login screen should show up on your client.

Naravno možete instalirati i Thunderbird za mejlove pod Linuxom, WPS Office ili Only Office za direktno otvaranje Microsoft Office dokumenata na serveru i to bi bilo to.
Sve ostalo možete da odradite na virtuelnoj mašini sa Windows 10 operativnim sistemom, podrazumeva se da prvo instalirate OracleVM virtuelnu mašinu na svom Linuxu, a onda u VM-u kreirajte jedni novu virtuelnu mašinu i u njoj instalirajte Windows 10.

Postoji još jedan jednostavniji način - bez Linuxa je samo Windows 10 + AnyDesk, ali onda morate naći neku osobu koja će Vam uključivati udaljeni kompjuter.

Linux sa Windowsom u VM je bolje rešenje, jer može raditi mesecima bez restarta.

Xming for Windows

Xming is an X server for Microsoft Windows. Officially it supports Windows XP, Server 2003, and Vista. It appears to work on (64-bit) Windows 7 as well.
It supports being an XDMCP client, but this is not officially documented in the manual.
First download it from sourceforgeand install it.
You can then connect to server with IP address of by running the following command on 32-bit Windows:
"C:\Program Files\Xming\Xming.exe" -query -clipboard
or on 64-bit Windows
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\Xming.exe" -query -clipboard
You can replace the IP address with a hostname as well.
Please note that many of the other command line switches in Xming do not work with -query for XDMCP. This includes -wgl for 3d acceleration; using

Xming.exe +extension Composite -query ...

More tips about servers:

LUA Language

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

New tips from Flavio

I wrote a lot about SQL. 6 posts are dedicated to this language we use to interface with powerful databases such as PostgreSQL and MySQL/MariaDB. A few more tutorials will follow next week:
In addition to those SQL tutorials I wrote about when to use let and when to use const in a JavaScript program.

This week, while working on my upcoming JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp, I've been working on several technologies including Phaser.js (for JavaScript game programming), Johnny Five (for working with Arduino using JavaScript/Node.js), Redis, WebUSB and more.
The Bootcamp will be fully online and filled with both theory and projects. Lots of them. One cool project I added this week involved creating a Phaser.js platform game, and another project involved using Johnny Five to control the game player using an Arduino with Websockets and WebUSB. It's great to integrate different technologies and make them work smoothly!

[] In this picture the game artwork is very simple and ugly, as I made it myself, but what is important is that I made it from start to finish. Including the simple circuit to connect a joystick component to the Arduino board. And you'll teach you how, in the Bootcamp.
It's coming in a few months, still not sure when exactly but I'll tell keep you updated!
The syllabus of the bootcamp now contains more than 200 modules, each containing multiple lessons, so it will be packed with value.
Finally, let me remind you that I am currently running a special "stay at home" promo for my React, Node, Vue, Svelte and Next.js courses. All at a special 50% discount. Invest your time and learn a new in-demand technology. Check them out.
That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

XD Pascal from VasiliyTereshkov - genius small compiler


XD Pascal for Windows 10:

3D development:

XD Pascal for MS DOS:

More tips:

Добијали су сада већ чувену комбинацију антималаријског лека "плакенил" (три пута по 200 милиграма дневно), који садржи супстанцу хидроксихлорокин, и антибиотика "азитромицин", а третман је у просеку трајао 4,9 дана. Студија је показала да је највећи број пацијената, њих 83 одсто, показао брзо смањивање вирусног оптерећења у перидoу краћем од недељу дана, а чак 93 одсто дан касније.

Америчка Агенција за храну и лекове (ФДА) одобрила је коришћење лекова клорокин и хидроксиклорокин у борби против вируса корона, али искључиво у болницама. Лек је намењен само пацијентима који су хоспитализовани. Председник Трамп нахвалио је 24. марта те лекове. И поред одлуке ФДА, лекари строго упозоравају да се лекови, па и ови поменути, не узимају на своју руку.

What is the most unique operating system?

MenuetOS and KolibriOS (Big Russian variant of MenuetOS) is the most unique operating system.
MenuetOS and KolibriOS compiled from FASM assembler.
The third is HaikuOS.
ReactOS is Windows NT like operating system, ReactOS isn’t Linux or Unix.
ReactOS is similar to Microsoft Windows.
JavaOS compiled from Java.
Singularity OS from Microsoft ( compiled from Microsoft Visual Studio .NET C#.
Inferno OS/app & Limbo programming language for Inferno OS.

Thursday, March 26, 2020


1. How to Stay Productive in the Age of Social Distancing (8 minute read):

2. How Hashing Functions Work. And What's the Most Secure Encryption Hash? MD5, SHA1, or SHA2? (4 minute read):

3. From Mechanical Engineer to Software Developer – My Coding Rollercoaster. Milecia tells the story of how she stumbled into coding while chasing her passion for cars. (12 minute read):

4. How to Become a Software Engineer if You Don't Have a Computer Science Degree (8 minute read):

5. Learn the PERN Stack - Postgres, Express, React, Node - by Building a Todo List App (free 90 minute video course with full example codebase):

Quote of the Week: “Act in haste and repent at leisure. Code too soon and debug forever.” - Dr. Raymond Kennington

I hope you and your family are staying safe during the coronavirus pandemic. If you're new to coding, here are my tips for making the most of your time during the outbreak:

Happy coding.

- Quincy Larson

Teacher at

