adduser vladimir
Add the following line and save the file (ctrl+O, crl+X):
permit persist :wheel
adduser root input
adduser root sound
adduser vladimir input
adduser vladimir sound
Alpine Linux Sound working if you try this:
Please do not install original thing from Alpine Linux Sound tutorial, instead try this...
Alpine Linux sound workaround (enough to install only two stuff):
apk add xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
apk add pavucontrol
apk add xfce4-xkb-pluginreboot
Warning: just type su command for root access.
Initial password for root not exists, just press enter. There is no root password for the first time in Alpine Linux.
nano /etc/lighdm/lightdm.conf
Add the following line and save the file (ctrl+O, crl+X):
default-user vladimir-------
Alpine Linux installed in OracleVM take only 1,62 GB of HDD. (Complete xfce4 and Firefox)
Aditivi koje bi trebalo koristiti uz oprez
E 252 kalijum-nitrat
E 251 natrijum-nitrat
E 250 natrijum-nitrit
E 249 kalijum-nitrit
E 171 titan-dioksid
E 142 zelena S
E 129 alura-crvena 4C
E 124 ponso ar (košenila crvena A)
E 122 azorubin (karmoizin)
E 110 oranž-žuta S
E 104 hinolin-žuta
E 102 tartrazin
Bezbedni, neosnovano optuženi da su štetni
E 621 mononatrijum-glutaminat
E 300 vitamin C
E 330 limunska kiselina
E 210 benzojeva kiselina
E 322 lecitin
Vitamini kao aditivi
E 101 vitamin B2
E 160a provitamin A
E 300, E 301, E 302, E 304 vitamin C i njegovi derivati
E 306, E 307, E 308, E 309 vitamin E i njegovi derivati
Windows 10 Sound Keyboard Application
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