Showing posts with label Delphi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Delphi. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2022

Python nasušni

Do you need encouragement while typing the best code ever?

Try this:

PDF literatura samo za Vas:

Learning DevOps ~560 strana
~Terraform, Azure DevOps, Kubernetes and Jenkins

Cloud Security Handbook ~456 strana
~AWS, Azure, GCP

{ kontaktiraj me odmah ! }


Regata OS is a Brazilian Linux distribution based on openSUSE, focusing on desktop and gaming needs. Its main characteristics include a Regata OS store for installing applications and games, out-of-the-box integration with Google Drive, support for a gaming mode via the Vulkan graphics API, an extensive library of games in the Regata OS Game Access portal, support for configuration of hybrid graphics in notebooks, and easy transfer of files between a computer and a smartphone. The distribution's user interface is KDE Plasma.

C# niche =

JavaScript niche =

Monday, April 5, 2021

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Delphi for free

Delphi® - Community Edition
Shared free of charge with our community of freelance developers, startups, students and non-profits, Delphi Community Edition is a full featured IDE for building iOS, Android, Windows and macOS apps from a single Delphi codebase (limited commercial use license). Delphi Community Edition includes a code editor, powerful debugging tools, built-in access to popular local databases with live data at design time, Bluetooth and IoT capabilities and a visual UI designer with support for pixel perfect, platform specific styling.

Delphi® -Community Edition- Free Download*

Full-Featured Free Delphi IDE for Creating Native Cross-Platform Apps

Download the FREE Delphi Community Edition*

Start Building Apps Today with Delphi Community Edition

  • Delphi Community Edition provides you with integrated and professional-level developer tools from Day 1
  • Develop Windows, macOS, Android and iOS applications with a single codebase
  • Visual Design using the Delphi VCL and FireMonkey frameworks
  • Built-in Debugging Tools that allow you to debug on any device
  • Build database apps with local/embedded capabilities
  • Hundreds of included components to enhance your app and reduce development cycles
  • Licensed for use until your individual revenue from Delphi applications or company revenue reaches $5,000 US or your development team expands to more than 5 developers

The best part? When your application or business takes off, you don’t have to learn new tools or port code from various toolsets. Start working right away with your existing codebase in any of our paid editions while gaining access to additional capabilities.

Who Chooses Delphi Community Edition?
Individual Delphi developers, hobbyists, and students who are learning new programming languages, starting to develop cross-platform apps, maintaining open source Delphi projects, or learning the Delphi IDE, who are making less than $5000 in revenue and want to get started with professional-level developer tools.

It’s also perfect for early stage startups who are bootstrapping their product vision before securing capital! Develop your professional app with the Community Edition, knowing that you can skip the learning curve your competition faces when building for multiple platforms.

Am I Eligible for Delphi Community Edition?
If you're an individual you may use Delphi Community Edition to create apps for your own use and apps that you can sell until your revenue reaches $5,000 per year.

If you're a small company or organization without revenue (or up to $5,000 per year in revenue), you can also use the Delphi Community Edition. Once your company's total revenue reaches US $5,000, or your team expands to more than 5 developers, you can move up to an unrestricted commercial license with Professional edition.

See the Community Edition FAQs for additional details.

Delphi is available in Community, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions. For details on the differences between the editions, see the Product Editions page and Feature Matrix. Move up to the Professional edition or above to get additional features including components and drivers for database connectivity, a full commercial development license, and much more.


Monday, March 25, 2019

Delphi ini file


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var strl : TStringlist;
strl := TStringList.Create;
strl := TStringList.Create;
Edit1.Text := strl.strings[0];

F: TextFile;
S: string;
if OpenDialog1.Execute then
AssignFile(F, OpenDialog1.FileName);
Readln(F, S);
Edit1.Text := S;


var F: TextFile;
if SaveDialog1.Execute then
AssignFile(F, SaveDialog1.FIleName);
Writeln(F, Edit1.Text);


Saturday, November 10, 2018

Lazarus und Python



Wir basteln uns unseren eigenen anonymen Webbrowser. Ich kombiniere einen offline Webbrowser in Lazarus mit Python scripts die von SSL Proxy Servern html Seiten laden können. So ergibt sich ein Browser der nicht selber online geht ohne das wir es wollen. Kein Java, keine Bilder, kein Flash ... reines html. Achtung !! Ausser Lazarus müssen sowohl python also auch python-mechanize installiert sein damit das Programm läuft. Lazarus Quelltext als Download : "" ( i show in this programming demo how to build my own webbrowser with Lazarus and Python scripts ) Weblinks / Quellen :

Monday, September 24, 2018

Typed Files in Delphi & Lazarus

Simply put a file is a binary sequence of some type. In Delphi, there are three classes of filetyped, text, and untyped. Typed files are files that contain data of a particular type, such as Double, Integer or previously defined custom Record type. Text files contain readable ASCII characters. Untyped files are used when we want to impose the least possible structure on a file.

Typed Files

While text files consist of lines terminated with a CR/LF (#13#10) combination, typed files consist of data taken from a particular type of data structure.
For example, the following declaration creates a record type called TMember and an array of TMember record variables.
  TMember = record
    Name : string[50];
    eMail : string[30];
    Posts : LongInt;
 var Members : array[1..50] of TMember; 
Before we can write the information to the disk we have to declare a variable of a file type. The following line of code declares an F file variable.
 var F : file of TMember; 
Note: To create a typed file in Delphi, we use the following syntax:
var SomeTypedFile : file of SomeType
The base type (SomeType) for a file can be a scalar type (like Double), an array type or record type. It should not be long string, dynamic array, class, object or a pointer.
In order to start working with files from Delphi, we have to link a file on a disk to a file variable in our program. To create this link we must use AssignFile procedure in order to associate a file on a disk with a file variable.
 AssignFile(F, 'Members.dat') 
Once the association with an external file is established, the file variable F must be 'opened' to prepare it for reading and/or writing. We call Reset procedure to open an existing file or Rewrite to create a new file. When a program completes processing a file, the file must be closed using the CloseFile procedure. After a file is closed, its associated external file is updated. The file variable can then be associated with another external file.
In general, we should always use exception handling; many errors may arise when working with files. For example: if we call CloseFile for a file that is already closed Delphi reports an I/O error. On the other hand, if we try to close a file but have not yet called AssignFile, the results are unpredictable.

Write to a File

Suppose we have filled an array of Delphi members with their names, e-mails, and number of posts and we want to store this information in a file on the disk. The following piece of code will do the work:
  F : file of TMember;
  i : integer;
 AssignFile(F,'members.dat') ;
 Rewrite(F) ;
  for j:= 1 to 50 do
   Write (F, Members[j]) ;
  CloseFile(F) ;

Read from a File

In order to retrieve all the information from the 'members.dat' file we would use the following code:
  Member: TMember
  F : file of TMember;
 AssignFile(F,'members.dat') ;
 Reset(F) ;
  while not Eof(F) do begin
   Read (F, Member) ;
  CloseFile(F) ;
Note: Eof is the EndOfFile checking function. We use this function to make sure that we are not trying to read beyond the end of the file (beyond the last stored record).

Seeking and Positioning

Files are normally accessed sequentially. When a file is read using the standard procedure Read or written using the standard procedure Write, the current file position moves to the next numerically ordered file component (next record). Typed files can also be accessed randomly through the standard procedure Seek, which moves the current file position to a specified component. The FilePos and FileSizefunctions can be used to determine the current file position and the current file size.
 {go back to the beginning - the first record}
Seek(F, 0) ;
{go to the 5-th record}
Seek(F, 5) ;
{Jump to the end - "after" the last record}
Seek(F, FileSize(F)) ; 

Change and Update

You've just learned how to write and read the entire array of members, but what if all you want to do is to seek to the 10th member and change the e-mail? The next procedure does exactly that:
 procedure ChangeEMail(const RecN : integer; const NewEMail : string) ;
var DummyMember : TMember;
 {assign, open, exception handling block}
 Seek(F, RecN) ;
 Read(F, DummyMember) ;
 DummyMember.Email := NewEMail;
 {read moves to the next record, we have to
 go back to the original record, then write}
 Seek(F, RecN) ;
 Write(F, DummyMember) ;
 {close file}

Completing the Task

That's it -- now you have all you need to accomplish your task. You can write members' information to the disk, you can read it back and you can even change some of the data (e-mail, for example) in the "middle" of the file.



IDEMO DALJE ------------>>>>>



MORE INFO * Prakticna primena




Delphi code In

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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pascal se vratio na velika vrata


Postoje svakakva "mišljenja", tzv. "programera" koji smatraju da Pascal nije savremen programski jezik, da su ga davno učili u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi, da nije fensi kao Java, C#, C++, PHP ili Python u poslednje vreme. Na isti način imaju i mišljenje i o Delphi i Lazarus IDE, ali koliko se samo varaju (što je posledica njihovog površnog znanja i iskustva u ovim tehnologijama).

Postoje brojni primeri gde je Delphi neprikosnoven, Lazarus tek postaje interesantan, jer omogućuje da pravite kod pod bilo kojim operativnim sistemom.

Ono što ovakve površne "škole mišljenja" ne znaju (ili prećutkuju) je da:

1) PHP i Python su skript jezici koji se interpretiraju na serverima. Dakle to su interpreteri, a ne kompajleri.

2) Java i C# nemaju "pravi kompajler", nego kompajliraju kod (source code) u neko medju stanje koje se mnogo sporije izvršava nego pravi mašinski kod.

3) Java koristi svoj framework, a C# framework zvani .NET framework (framework je skup dll-ova i Registry podešavanja koja omogućavaju izvršavanje kompajliranog .NET koda).

4) C# kod pod Linuxom sa Mono Frameworkom nije toliko savršen, mnoge stvari ne rade kao pod Windowsom, ukoliko uopšte i rade, a stalno možemo čitati u raznim časopisima kako eto C# može i pod linuxom da radi, što je notorna glupost (uglavnom). Kombinacija GTK i Mono tehnologije još nije na profi nivou, nego više u domenu kurioziteta i beta testiranja. Šta će Vam aplikacijija u C# koja je bagovita i nepouzdana pod Linux Mono frameworkom ili Vine-om.

Za razliku od C#, Lazarus zaista podjednako dobro radi pod svim operativnim sistemima.

5) Microsoft VC++ i VB imaju Runtime okruženje bez koga ove aplikacije ne mogu da rade (gomila dll-ova u sistemskim folderima Windows-a koji se moraju ranije instalirati).

Prednosti Delphi i Lazarus aplikacija:

6) Delphi i Lazarus kreiraju prave native mašinske aplikacije kao proizvod svog kompajlera i ne zahtevaju .NET Framework i Runtime biblioteke da bi radili.

7) Na kraju Delphi i Lazarus koriste pravi znalci koji su probali sve i svašta od tehnologija, frejmvorka na tržištu kompajlera. Kada treba nešto brzo i efektno uraditi Pascal je nezamenljiv.
Nemamo ništa protiv ostalih tehnologija koje nam svakodnevno donose hleb na sto, ali ako treba nešto čisto, brzo i odmah uraditi, onda je RAD IDE pravi izbor.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Delphi goodies + InnoSetup Compiler završnica

InnoSetup Compiler završnica:

Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "YourApplicationName"; ValueData: """{app}\YourApplicationName.exe"""; Flags: uninsdeletevalue
Administrative privileges are needed to write to that key, so be sure this is in your [Setup] section:



HOWTO: Create shortcuts in the Startup (or Autostart) group
Article Created: 2003-10-19 06:43 GMT by Jordan Russell
Last Updated: 2004-07-30 21:42 GMT by Jordan Russell

Shortcuts may be created in the Startup group by specifying either the {userstartup} or {commonstartup} constant in the Name parameter of an [Icons] section entry.


Name: "{commonstartup}\My Program"; Filename: "{app}\MyProg.exe"
Note: Writing to {commonstartup} requires administrative privileges, so be sure this is in your [Setup] section:



Filename: "schtasks"; \
    Parameters: "/Create /F /SC HOURLY /TN ""My Task"" /TR ""'{app}\MyProg.exe' par1"""; \
    Flags: runhidden

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

FTP Indy Delphi Upload


procedure FtpUploadFile( 
                             HostName: String; 
                             UserName: String; 
                             Password: String; 
                             UploadFileName: String; 
                             ToHostDir : String );
  FTP: TFtpClient;
  FTP := TFtpClient.Create(nil);
    FTP.HostName := HostName;
    FTP.Passive := True;
    FTP.Binary := True;
    FTP.Username := UserName;
    FTP.Password := Password;
    FTP.Port := '21';

    if not FTP.Open then
      raise Exception.Create('Failed to connect: ' + FTP.ErrorMessage);

    if (not FTP.User) or (not FTP.Pass) then 
      raise Exception.Create('Failed to login: ' + FTP.ErrorMessage);

    FTP.HostDirName := ToHostDir;
    if not FTP.Cwd then
      raise Exception.Create('Failed to change dir: ' + FTP.ErrorMessage);

    FTP.LocalFileName := UploadFileName;
    FTP.HostFileName := ExtractFileName(UploadFileName);

    if not FTP.Put then
      raise Exception.Create('Failed to upload file: ' + FTP.ErrorMessage);

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
                     '******', '******',
                          ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) ) +'',
                     '/files'  );