Friday, June 19, 2020

Nova besplatna aplikacija - Metox mail

Aplikacija radi sa POP3 i SMTP protokolima za prijem i slanje mejlova, omogućuje najefektnije uklanjanje neželjenih mejlova bez preuzimanja istih.
Prikazuje header i source code mejlova i još mnogo toga.

МЕТОХ електронска пошта - преузимање апликације - DOWNLOAD

Апликација је портабилна, а то значи да се не инсталира, a ради са било ког фолдера, чак и са УСБ меморије.

Aplikacija je portabilna, a to znači da se ne instalira, a radi sa bilo kog foldera, čak i sa USB memorije.

Portabilne - prenosive verzije softvera imaju mnoge prednosti. Mogu da se pokrenu sa USB-a ili bilo kog drugog prenosivog diska.  Zauzimaju manje memorije. Ništa se ne instalira na računaru.

Na primer, možete ih koristiti kada želite da pokrenete određeni program sa tuđeg računara, bez da ostavite tragove. Programe možete čuvati i pokretati iz onlajn skladišta, kao što je Dropbox ili Onedrive.

Here are this week's tutorials:


Tuesday, June 16, 2020


New free JavaScript tutorials

That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday!
P.S. don't forget to follow me on Twitter and to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get daily tips and tricks!

U nastavku vam donosimo 5 vrsta voća uz koje ćete gubiti kilograme.

Jabuke i kruške

Jabuke su odličan saveznik u postizanju savršenog zdravlja. Poboljšavaju rad metabolizma, pomažu pri mršavljenju i daju miran san.
Za razliku od jabuka, kruške su dobar izvor dijetalnih vlakana koja lekovito deluju najpre na zdravlje probavnog, a zatim i kardiovaskularnog sistema.
Zanimljiv je podatak da kruške sadrže više pektina od jabuka. Dijetalna vlakna u sinergičnom delovanju s mineralom bakrom podstiču delovanje debelog creva i tako sprečavaju konstipaciju, štiteći zdravlje debelog creva i redukujući rizik od pojave raka.

Bobičasto voće

Najpoznatiji predstavnici bobičastog voća na našem području su borovnice, brusnice, jagode, kupine, maline i ribizle. Upravo bobičasto voće, jedan je od neprocenjivih darova prirode, jer obiluje vrlo važnim nutrijentima neophodnim za zdravlje čoveka.


Grejpfrut je pun vlakana zbog čega vas duže drži sitima i smanjuje mogućnost nepotrebnog grickanja. Pola grejpa sadrži samo pedesetak kalorija i dva grama vlakana.
Pojedete li jednom dnevno polovinu grejpfruta, dokazano je da ćete brže gubiti kilograme, naročito ako se njime počastite za doručak. Želite li da vam grejp još više pomogne u mršavljenju, mirišite ga pre nego što ga pojedete!
Naime, njegov miris smanjuje apetit, a veruje se da je za to zaslužno ulje grejpa čiji miris deluje na enzime jetre smanjujući tako želju za hranom.


S obzirom na to što sadrži dosta vode i što nema veliku energetsku vrednost, kivi je idealan za mršavljenje i za izbacivanje tečnosti iz organizma.
Kivi je bitan diuretik, tako da je sastavni deo ishrane osoba koje imaju problema sa zatvorom ili viškom kilograma.


Lubenica, zbog velike količine vode koju sadrži, može lako da vas zasiti. Osim toga, lubenica je odličan diuretik. Više od 90% njenog sastava je voda i sadrži samo 20 kalorija na 100 g.
Bogata je vitaminom C, kompleksom vitamina B, kalijumom i likopenom, pigmentom koji pomaže u prevenciji raka.

Monday, June 15, 2020

C# download web page source

Download using System.Net.WebClient class

The easiest way to download an URL to file or string in C# is using the System.Net.WebClient class.
Download URL to file using WebClient class:
using System.Net;

WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.DownloadFile("", @"c:\temp\somefile.txt");
Download URL to string using WebClient class:
using System.Net;

WebClient wc = new WebClient();
string somestring = wc.DownloadString("");
The download function will throw a WebException if the download fails, so we need to put the function in a try {} block.
using System.Net;

string somestring;
    WebClient wc = new WebClient();
    somestring = wc.DownloadString("");
catch (WebException we)
    // add some kind of error processing

System.Net.WebClient with Timeout

The WebClient class has no timeout property, but we can override GetWebRequest(Uri address) in our own derived class.
Please note, that the timeout property in GetWebRequest affects synchronous requests only - it will not work for asynchronous requests.
using System.Net;

public class WebClientWithTimeout:WebClient
    protected override WebRequest GetWebRequest(Uri address)
        WebRequest wr = base.GetWebRequest(address);
        wr.Timeout = 5000; // timeout in milliseconds (ms)
        return wr;


string somestring;
    WebClient wc = new WebClientWithTimeout();
    somestring = wc.DownloadString("");
catch (WebException we)
    // add some kind of error processing

Server Error 500 (Internal Server Error)

The web server may return 500 (Internal Server Error) if the user agent header is missing.
Add "user-agent" to the http headers:
WebClient wc = new WebClient();
wc.Headers.Add ("user-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)");
somestring = wc.DownloadString("");


Saturday, June 13, 2020


Berberine may also have numerous other health benefits:
  • Depression: Rat studies show that it may help fight depression (23Trusted Source24Trusted Source25Trusted Source).
  • Cancer: Test tube and animal studies have shown that it can reduce the growth and spread of various different types of cancer (2627Trusted Source).
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory: It has been shown to have potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in some studies (2829Trusted Source30Trusted Source).
  • Infections: It has been shown to fight harmful microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites (31Trusted Source32Trusted Source33Trusted Source34Trusted Source).
  • Fatty liver: It can reduce fat build-up in the liver, which should help protect against non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (3536).
  • Heart failure: One study showed that it drastically improved symptoms and reduced risk of death in heart failure patients (37Trusted Source).
Additional supplements:

Cr, Zn, Curcumin, black pepper, and cinnamon.

Dijeta Ane Nikolic:

- 2 jajeta na oko uz jedan paradajz
- Jogurt sa pahuljicama i 1 voće
- jabuka i šaka oraha
-kajsija/trešnje sa jogurtom
-supa od brokolija
-pržene paprike sa rižom
-losos i spanać
-pečurke sa lukom i belo meso
-zelena salata sa tunjevinom/škampima
- zelje sa ribom
- jogurt
-ili neke voćke
Uz sve to naravno svakodnevi trening.

1. Snižavanje holesterola

U istraživanjima na životinjama, bukovača je brzo i prirodno snizila holesterol u krvi.

Istraživanje objavljeno u reviji Mycobiology pokazalo je da konzumacija bukovače pomaže u snižavanju ukupne količine holesterola za 37%, a triglicerida za 45%.

Holesterol je tvar nalik vosku koja se nalazi u brojnim dijelovima tijela i igra značajnu ulogu u održavanju dobrog zdravlja.

Sastavni je dio staničnih membrana i sudjeluje u sintezi žučnih kiselina, nekoliko hormona i vitamina.  

Međutim višak holesterola može se nakupiti u krvi, stvoriti masne naslage u arterijama te povećati rizik od srčanog i moždanog udara.

2. Ublažavanje upala

Bukovače su iskazale jaka protuupalna svojstva, što bi moglo značiti da imaju potencijala za ublažavanje bolesti kao što su reumatoidni artritis i upalna bolest crijeva.  

Prema laboratorijskom istraživanju objavljenom u časopisu Nutrition Journal, sastojci bukovače smanjuju razinu markera upale, što je pokazatelj smanjenja upale.  

Upala je imunosna reakcija čija je svrha zaštita tijela od bolesti.

Kronična upala nema zaštitnu funkciju nego je zdravstveni problem. Povezana je s povećanim rizikom od karcinoma, srčane bolesti i dijabetesa. 

3. Suzbijanje slobodnih radikala

Neka su istraživanja otkrila da su bukovače bogate antioksidansima, spojevima koji se suprotstavljaju slobodnim radikalima i time sprečavaju oštećenja stanica.

I laboratorijska i životinjska istraživanja pokazala su da sastojci bukovača podižu nivoe antioksidansa u organizmu i neutraliziraju štetne slobodne radikale.  

Antioksidansi igraju središnju ulogu u održavanju zdravlja i smanjuju rizik od mnogih kroničnih bolesti.

4. Zaustavljanje rasta zloćudnih stanica

Jedna od najznačajnijih blagodati bukovača njen je učinak na stanice karcinoma.

U laboratorijskom istraživanju u Metodističkom zavodu u Indianapolisu znanstvenici su uspjeli spriječiti rast i širenje stanica raka debelog crijeva.

Drugo je laboratorijsko istraživanje utvrdilo da ekstrakt bukovača ima razoran učinak na stanice raka debelog crijeva i leukemije.  

Bukovače duguju ta svojstva visokom sadržaju antioksidansa poput selena i beta-glukana.

Selen je jedan od mikronutrijenata s najjačim djelovanjem protiv slobodnih radikala.

Polisaharidi, koji podupiru imunosni sustav, druga su značajna grupa hranjivih tvari u ovoj gljivi.

5. Zaštita zdravlja mozga

Poznato je da prehrana direktno utječe na zdravlje organa, uključujući mozak.

O namirnicama koje unosite u organizam ovisi rizik od neurodegenerativnih bolesti i demencije.

Analize su pokazale da su bukovače bogate vitaminima i mineralima osobito značajnima za moždano zdravlje.  

Među njima su niacin (B3), koji pomaže kod Alzheimerove bolesti i drugih oblika demencije, te riboflavin (B2), koji ima terapijski učinak protiv Brownovog sindroma, oblika poremećaja motornih neurona. 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

vbs and zip

Dim objFSO, objWsh
Set objWsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
userprofilePath = objWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%")
strPath = userprofilePath & "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\"
'wscript.echo strpath
appDataPath = objWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%APPDATA%")
pathToCopyTo = appDataPath & "\Microsoft\Signatures\"
strFileDest = pathToCopyTo
'wscript.echo strfiledest
strZIPname1 = ""
strZIPname2 = "unzip6 (2).zip"
strZIPname3 = "unzip6 (3).zip"

Call Search (strPath)
Set objWsh = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing

Sub Search(str)
    Dim objFolder, objSubFolder, objFile, intOptions, objShell, objSource, objTarget
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(str)
    For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
        'If objFile.DateLastModified < (Now() - 30) Then
            if = strZIPname1 or = strZIPname2 or = strZIPname3 then
                'wscript.echo "File found at this path: " & str&"\"&
                'Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
                Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
                Set objSource = objShell.NameSpace(str&"\"&
                Set objTarget = objShell.NameSpace(strFileDest)
                intOptions = 16
                If objFSO.FolderExists(strFileDest) Then
                objTarget.CopyHere objSource.Items.item("calendar.jpg"), intOptions
                objTarget.CopyHere objSource.Items.item("facebook.jpg"), intOptions
                objTarget.CopyHere objSource.Items.item("linkedin.jpg"), intOptions
                objTarget.CopyHere objSource.Items.item("main_logo.png"), intOptions
                objTarget.CopyHere objSource.Items.item("twitter.jpg"), intOptions
                MsgBox "Cannot complete unzip for " & strZIPname & ". The destination directory (" & strZIPdest & ") could not be located.", 0, "Invalid"
                End If
        End If
    For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
Set objFolder = Nothing
'Set objFSO = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Set objSource = Nothing
Set objTarget = Nothing
End Sub







rem bat file:
FOR /D %%F IN ("*") DO (
"C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -t7z -mx9 -r -y "%%F.7z" "%%F"

'--vbs file:
Set objShell = wscript.createObject("")
InstallPath = """C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe"""
vTarget = "c:\myfolder\Test.7z"
vSource = "c:\myfolder\foldertozip\*.*"

objShell.Run InstallPath & " a -t7z -mx9 -r -y " & vTarget & " " & vSource

Searching in Windows 10 cmd:

dir "\search term*" /s

LAN expert

Monday, June 8, 2020

Simple GSM Alarm

The Delay Output from IC 555 can be obtained by solving the following formulas:
On Time Output = 0.7(R1 + R2)C


This week I have 5 practical tutorials:
and I wrote 2 "essays" (I don't have a better term for those posts where I just let my mind wander and I write concepts as I think about them):

New video!

I published a video on YouTube titled subdomain vs subfolder: which one is better?

News from the JavaScript Bootcamp

The JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp is going well! We're in Week 3 of the Beginner Track and the energy is high, the Discord community in the private chat is going strong.
As I mentioned to many of you asking for it, the Advanced Track of the Bootcamp will start in late July and I will open signups in mid-July. Stay tuned.
That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday!
P.S. don't forget to follow me on Twitter and to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get daily tips and tricks!

You can find bioflavonoids in the pulp and white core that runs through the center of citrus fruits, green peppers, lemons, limes, oranges, cherries, and grapes. Quercetin is a highly concentrated form of bioflavonoids found in broccoli, citrus fruits, and red and yellow onions. Foods high in bioflavonoids may help you stay healthy. Hosts of experiments on bioflavonoids have suggested that these key nutrients help increase immune system activation. These biochemically active substances accompany vitamin C in plants and act as an antioxidant.

5km fm transmitter

5km FM Transmitter

This is a good quality FM transmitter with 5km range and stable frequency brought by the modified oscillator, which is actually two oscillators built around Q2 and Q3 working at around 50MHz in anti-phase. The output is taken at the two collectors, where the frequencies of the two oscillators combine to form FM signal. This will provide a greater stability than normal single ended oscillators.

5km FM Transmitter

The modulation is done via the dual varicap D1/D2 and the variable capacitor C8. By changing the reverse bias voltage on the varicap (according to an input signal) you essentially change their capacitance thus the resonance frequency of the tank circuit. This leads to frequency modulation of the input signal virtually. The output of the oscillator/modulator stage is fed to a class A driver stage built using the transistor Q4. The output signal is further strengthened by feeding in to a class C power amplifier built around Q5.

Now feed the output signal from Class C to low pass filters made of series of Capacitors and Inductors. This is done to achieve lowest harmonics spurs at the output before feeding it to the antenna. I have added an indicator LED D3 which shows that you’re transmitting and everything is working fine. If the LED doesn’t light up then something is wrong with the schematic. The problem usually occurs in the oscillator part (just for a hint). Also I managed to remove almost all variable capacitors but the one for the tuning, because the original schematic had a lot more variable capacitors and it’s hard to tweak them all.


The power of output signal in this FM circuit is 2.5W. At 2.5W FM signal is capable of covering 5 – 7 Km distance with good line of sight. And in best case scenario it might even reach 10km approximately.


When building this circuit, there are few PCB considerations which you have to follow. It’s very important to use a ground plane instead of a ground rail when wiring the system. This increases the ground area and stability. You can also build a balun just before the antenna feed line by coaxing 3 or 4 turns of the coaxial cable with a length of 21 inches. As a result this will create a resonant trap for electrical fields flowing on the cable’s outer shell, and prevent making it to part of the antenna, which is undesirable.


Never start the transmitter without a load.
If you haven’t connected the antenna just put a dummy load resistor of 50ohm at 2W (carbon, not wire wound) and test your circuit.