Monday, June 8, 2020

Simple GSM Alarm

The Delay Output from IC 555 can be obtained by solving the following formulas:
On Time Output = 0.7(R1 + R2)C


This week I have 5 practical tutorials:
and I wrote 2 "essays" (I don't have a better term for those posts where I just let my mind wander and I write concepts as I think about them):

New video!

I published a video on YouTube titled subdomain vs subfolder: which one is better?

News from the JavaScript Bootcamp

The JavaScript Full-Stack Bootcamp is going well! We're in Week 3 of the Beginner Track and the energy is high, the Discord community in the private chat is going strong.
As I mentioned to many of you asking for it, the Advanced Track of the Bootcamp will start in late July and I will open signups in mid-July. Stay tuned.
That's it for this week. See you next Tuesday!
P.S. don't forget to follow me on Twitter and to subscribe to my YouTube channel to get daily tips and tricks!

You can find bioflavonoids in the pulp and white core that runs through the center of citrus fruits, green peppers, lemons, limes, oranges, cherries, and grapes. Quercetin is a highly concentrated form of bioflavonoids found in broccoli, citrus fruits, and red and yellow onions. Foods high in bioflavonoids may help you stay healthy. Hosts of experiments on bioflavonoids have suggested that these key nutrients help increase immune system activation. These biochemically active substances accompany vitamin C in plants and act as an antioxidant.

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