Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Android Apps Maker











Zaradi pomoću PHP and PayPal Credit Card


it's Tuesday, and like every Tuesday I have an update for you, with of all the new free tutorials I wrote:
What is a reverse proxy? Find out what is a reverse proxy and what is it useful for!
How to solve the `util.pump is not a function` error in Node.js. I got this error while trying to run some old Node snippet I found on the Web, and here's how I solved it.
Serve an HTML page using Node.js. Find out how to serve an `index.html` HTML page using Node.js with no dependencies.
Gatsby, fix the "cannot find module gatsby-cli/lib/reporter" error. How I fixed a weird Error: Cannot find module gatsby-cli/lib/reporter error I got while creating a Gatsby site and finding the solution was not fast, so I wrote a post about it.
How to find the command that is using a port. You might want to start a server on a port, but the port is already taken by another server. Which one? Here's how to find out.

How to configure Nginx for HTTPS: How to set up HTTPS on your Web Server using Let's Encrypt.
I also published 2 videos on YouTube: How to create a loop in a React Component's JSX and Running React Tests Automatically in the Cloud with GitHub Actions! This last one is the one I'd recommend watching. I am not as consistent as I'd like to be with videos. It's something I want to improve: being better at making videos, since it's something I struggle with, and also being better at making more videos. The two things are linked, making more videos is the only way to improve the quality, as practice is essential. Anyway, if you subscribe to the channel I'm happy to have your encouragement!
That's it for this week, thank you for tuning in!
Don't forget that as a subscriber to my newsletter you have free access to the 12 books I published about React, Node, JS, Next, Svelte, and much more!
Let me know by replying to this email if there's a topic you'd like to read more about.
See you next Tuesday, have a great week ahead!

Monday, August 17, 2020

Apache Cassandra





Dijeta sa pasuljem je veoma popularna dijeta jer se za 7 dana može skinuti i do 5 kilograma! Sam pasulj je bogat lako svarljivim proteinima, vitaminima: B, C, E i PP zatim mineralima: kalcijumom, fosforom, bakrom, cinkom, gvožđem kao i aminokiselinama, a najzastupljenije su: triptofan, lizin, arginin, tirozin i metionin.
Dijeta sa pasuljem je odlična za hladniji deo godine jer sprečava blagu avitaminozu koja je karakteristična upravo za hladne dane i dijetni način ishrane. Pasulj ima i odlična dejstva na jetru i žučnu kesu – pomaže im da bolje rade, a kada je u pitanju digestivni trakt – možemo ga mirne duše nazvati pravim „čistačem“. U red pohvala ovoj namirnici ide i to što osnažuje kardiovaskularni sistem i poboljšava stanje i izgled kože. Preporučuje se da se posle dijete još nekoliko dana jede pasulj kao glavno jelo, a da se smanji unos hleba i slatkiša.
Važno: Za vreme dijete trebalo bi piti dosta tečnosti (najbolje čiste vode) i potpuno isključiti šećer i so. Svake večeri pre nego što odete u krevet popijte 1 šolju malomasnog jogurta ili još bolji izbor je kefir!
Obratite pažnju na jelovnik – iako pojedini dani izgledaju slično – postoje razlike koje su značajne. Što se kuvanja pasulja tiče, kuva se gust, sa što manje masnoće i poželjno je bez zaprške (naravno, začini se mogu dodati po ukusu).

Read more https://www.dijeta.net/dijeta-sa-pasuljem/

MSDOS goodies:

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Rasad jabuke:

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Pohovani kolutići lignji na Srpski način

1) Pohovani kolutić lignje umočiti u senf.

2) Kolutić pojesti sa jednim zalogajem svežeg crnog luka.

3) Sve to zaliti gutljajem svežeg hladnog jogurta.

Prijatno !

II način, ako nemate senfa, može poslužiti i Leskovački Ajvar iako ukus nije ni približan originalu, ali se svakako i ova kombinacija slaže.

Oni koji vole pivo kada sve kolutiće pojedu mogu popiti pivo, jer se ono odlično slaže sa senfom.

Monday, August 3, 2020

The Tesla Spirit Radio




all the new free tutorials I wrote.
This week we have 3 new posts on Redis, continuing the mini-series about this really cool and popular key-value store:
Soon we'll wrap all those Redis posts in a little ebook, what do you think?
The more interesting (I think!) post I wrote this week is about Sequelize, the famous Node.js library that we use to interact with databases.
Here's a tutorial about how to use it along with PostgreSQL in How to use Sequelize to interact with PostgreSQL.
This week I also had to generate a local SSL certificate and install it on my MacBook, so I detailed the process in How to generate a local SSL certificate and How to Install a local SSL certificate on macOS.
It's not simple to figure out, but once you know what to do, it is :) Oh by the way, fun fact: did you know that we use the term "SSL certificate" but SSL was replaced by the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol a long time ago? Like.. 20+ years ago. But the SSL term sticked around.
Finally, while working on a Svelte+Sapper app I stumbled on a little problem so here's how to access a URL parameter in Sapper outside of script module.
That's it for this week!
Don't forget that as a subscriber to my newsletter you have free access to my 12 free books about React, Node, JS, Next, Svelte, and much more!
Let me know by replying to this email if there's a topic you'd like to read more about.
See you next Tuesday, have a great week, and a great month of August!

Friday, July 31, 2020

Popular tech

WT web server C++:

 five links that are worth your time:

1. This Deep Learning Crash Course will teach you all about Neural Networks, Activation Functions, Supervised Learning, Reinforcement Learning, and other key concepts and terms. (90 minute video course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/deep-learning-crash-course-learn-the-key-concepts-and-terms/

2. How to build your own online store in just one day using AWS, React, and Stripe. You'll design the architecture, add the plugins, and even create some serverless functions. (1 hour video course): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-make-a-store-in-one-day-aws-react-stripe/

3. How to convert your simple HTML websites into a blazing fast Node.js web apps. This step-by-step guide will help you design a web server and deploy it to the cloud. (16 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/develop-deploy-first-fullstack-web-app/

4. Concise code isn't always clean code. Here's how to avoid common code readability pitfalls. (7 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/concise-code-isnt-always-clean-code/

5. If you want to automate parts of your day-to-day work, one tool is Natural Language Processing. This primer will show you how to use NLP through Google's popular BERT library. (11 minute read): https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/google-bert-nlp-machine-learning-tutorial/

C++ for professionals    POS fiscal solutions

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