beogradsko programiranje
Friday, May 13, 2022
Thursday, April 28, 2022
pop3 check php
Potreban i dovoljan uslov:
Prvo koristimo:
da preuzmemo mejlove, a zatim naredbu za brisanje odredjenog mejla koji je sumnjiv, na primer ima nedozvoljeni tip fajla ili sadržaj:
imap_delete($mbox, 1);
Malo bolje:
Gore navedeno su osnovne stvari koje su potrebne ako želite da napravite antispam online servis.
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Remote goodies for free
2) BRZO i lako postavi svoj oglas ili ga nacrtaj u proizvoljnom pravougaoniku:
Sunday, April 24, 2022
QR code in Google Sheet
EXCEL REPEAT FIRST ROW when print and list:
Use this feature if you would like a title row (or rows) to print at the top of every page of your data in Excel.
If you want column headings to remain at the top of your sheet when scrolling within a spreadsheet, you will need to freeze the top row.
- Click the [Page Layout] tab > In the "Page Setup" group, click [Print Titles].
- Under the [Sheet] tab, in the "Rows to repeat at top" field, click the spreadsheet icon.
- Click and select the row you wish to appear at the top of every page.
- Press the [Enter] key, then click [OK].
- Select File > Print > "Show Print Preview" to see what the printed spreadsheet will look like.
If the [Print Titles] button is locked (greyed out), it may be because you are currently editing a cell or you have chart selected. If the "Rows to repeat at top" spreadsheet icon is locked, it may be because you have more than one worksheet selected within your workbook. To unlock either button, you can also try clicking [File] > "Print" > "Page Setup."
Monday, April 18, 2022
Remember Screenter goodies
Freeware download:
1) create capture rectangle with SHIFT + F2, move and resize that rectangle as you wish, after that just press SPACE key to make a screenshot in a range of that rectangle. The picture file will be saved in c:\, because of that you must start screenter.exe app as administrator (right click, Run As Administrator)
2) For the first time screenshot is temporary transparent
3) You can open group of selected JPG's like dropped postcards on the table
4) You can freely rearrange all opened photographs in "always on top" manner
Have you ever seen anything like this before?
Beli lenor i negro bonbone za bube na vocnjaku kao mamac za rutave bube.
Resources: Cracking The Coding Interview: https://amzn.to/3jIPzjD Elements of Programming Interviews in Python: https://amzn.to/37hBzuP CS50: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZxAL... Compiler is always right: https://blog.mozilla.org/nfroyd/2014/... Minimum network flow: https://math.stackexchange.com/questi... Knapsack problem: https://medium.com/@fabianterh/how-to... Greedy scheduling: https://www.cs.umd.edu/class/fall2017... Interview preparation: https://leetcode.com/ Mock interviews: https://www.pramp.com/
Friday, April 15, 2022
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Freebsd is nice
pkg install -y xorg
pkg install -y xfce
pkg install -y slim slim-themes
sysrc dbus_enable=yes
sysrc hald_enable=yes
sysrc slim_enable=yes
sysrc sound_load=yes
sysrc snd_hda_load=yes
nano /home/your-user/.xinitrc
exec startxfce4
pkg install -y firefox libreoffice gimp thunderbird vlc tree
Monday, April 11, 2022
Intel procesori * family model stepping
Notepad++ transparency
Use Notepad++ plugin TopMost and select the option 'Make my window transparent'.
Windows 10 Sound Keyboard Application
https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/DwmDWM install on Debian testing:
Cool Ubuntu console fonts:
setfont /usr/share/consolefonts/Lat7-Terminus28x14.pdf.gz
cd /opt/
sudo apt install git
sudo git clone https://github.com/sgomare/featherOS.git
ls -lart
cd featherOS/
ls -lart
We are @: /opt/featherOS$
sudo ./install_debian.sh
sudo reboot
xrandr -s 1680x1050
Friday, April 8, 2022
Jelo za programera
1 kašičica kakao
1 kašičica laneno seme (mleveno)
1 kašičica čia semenke
1/2 kašičice cimet
2 kašike ovsene/ražene pahuljice
6-7 suve šljive (ili šolja svežeg voća)
300 ml mleko (pirinčano, sojino, obrano) ili jogurt
Aplikacije otvarac i tragac, tragac je bolji od Windows Search opcije
Otvarač vam omogućuje da pratite istoriju svih otvorenih dokumenata i aplikacija koje vi želite.
Programer bez aplikacije Otvarač je kao muva bez glave, budite organizovani, ne dozvolite da nemate pojma šta ste ikada radili i gde se šta nalazi.
Tragač je najefikasnija pretraga datoteka po njihovim nazivima. Mnogo brža i efikasnija od Windows Search i Cortana aplikacija, čak je bolja i od Total Commander Search pretrage.
Sound keyboard for Windows 7-8-10-11
Screenter and JanuarPacker applications for Windows
Programer bez Screenter aplikacije je mnogo sporiji i manje produktivan, jer Scrinter ima tri najvažnije funkcije koje ni jedan drugi screenshot program nikada nije imao, a to je da pritiskom na kombinaciju Shift +F2, zatim pomeranjem pravougaonika i njegovim resizeom, a potom klikom na SPACE slika označeni pravougaoni deo ekrana koji ostaje uvek na vrhu medju otvorenim prozorima i transparentan je pa lako možete prekucavati sadržaje sa drugih non-copy-paste aplikacija.
Druga osobina je da snima automatski sve screenshoot-ove na C:\ root putanju tako da ih lako možete posle otvoriti hronološkim redom, dodela naziva je automatska.
Pošto Screenter zahteva admin rights da snima u C:\ na Windowsima novijim od Windows XP, funkcija automatskog snimanja na C:\ funkcioniše samo ako ste aplikaciju Screenter.exe otvorili sa administratorskim pravima (to se postiže desnim klikom miša, pa Run As Administrator).
Treća osobina je da možete više fotografija ili screenshot-ova otvoriti odjednom kao da ste ih razbacali na ekranu i lako se prebacivati sa jedne na drugu, a sve stoje uvek iznad svih otvorenih prozora, always on top.
Masovna provera ispravnosti tekucih racuna
Ukoliko imate HALKOM ili neku drugu tekstualnu datoteku sa spiskom tekućih računa i želite znati koji su pogrešni, dobro došli u moj svet i moju aplikaciju. Idealno za sve knjigovodje, posebno one koji koriste Trezor.
Aplikaciju sam vremenski zaštitio, pa datum kompjutera privremeno vratite na 2014. godinu ako želite da se uverite koliko je moćna, ko želi aplikaciju bez ove zaštite neka me kontaktira za profi verziju (koja je identična, ali nema ovu datumsku zaštitu).
Organizuj se, Organizuj se, Organizuj se, Organize more:
Thursday, April 7, 2022
Alpine Linux Sound kao dobar izbor
adduser vladimir
Add the following line and save the file (ctrl+O, crl+X):
permit persist :wheel
adduser root input
adduser root sound
adduser vladimir input
adduser vladimir sound
Alpine Linux Sound working if you try this:
Please do not install original thing from Alpine Linux Sound tutorial, instead try this...
Alpine Linux sound workaround (enough to install only two stuff):
apk add xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
apk add pavucontrol
apk add xfce4-xkb-pluginreboot
Warning: just type su command for root access.
Initial password for root not exists, just press enter. There is no root password for the first time in Alpine Linux.
nano /etc/lighdm/lightdm.conf
Add the following line and save the file (ctrl+O, crl+X):
default-user vladimir-------
Alpine Linux installed in OracleVM take only 1,62 GB of HDD. (Complete xfce4 and Firefox)
Aditivi koje bi trebalo koristiti uz oprez
E 252 kalijum-nitrat
E 251 natrijum-nitrat
E 250 natrijum-nitrit
E 249 kalijum-nitrit
E 171 titan-dioksid
E 142 zelena S
E 129 alura-crvena 4C
E 124 ponso ar (košenila crvena A)
E 122 azorubin (karmoizin)
E 110 oranž-žuta S
E 104 hinolin-žuta
E 102 tartrazin
Bezbedni, neosnovano optuženi da su štetni
E 621 mononatrijum-glutaminat
E 300 vitamin C
E 330 limunska kiselina
E 210 benzojeva kiselina
E 322 lecitin
Vitamini kao aditivi
E 101 vitamin B2
E 160a provitamin A
E 300, E 301, E 302, E 304 vitamin C i njegovi derivati
E 306, E 307, E 308, E 309 vitamin E i njegovi derivati
Windows 10 Sound Keyboard Application