Monday, May 27, 2019

Kako da pravilno prijavite SPAM

Cisco Email Submission and Tracking Portal

Please review the following articles to assist with the Cisco Email Submission and Tracking Portal:

Direct Email Submission

Please follow the instructions for your email client below in order to attach the email as an RFC 822 Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME)-encoded attachment. If your email client is not provided as an example below, please refer direct to the email client user guide or support help, and confirm that it will support "Forwarding as Attachment."
Submissions should be sent to the email address that is appropriate:
spam@access.ironport.comSubject line may be pre-pended as [SUSPECTED SPAM], the end-user considers the email message spam.
ham@access.ironport.comSubject line may be pre-pended as [SUSPECTED SPAM] or the subject line may also contain additional tagging, the end-user DOES NOT consider the email message as spam.
ads@access.ironport.comUntagged subject line, the end-user may consider the email message to be, or contain, marketing content.
not_ads@access.ironport.comSubject line may be pre-pended as [MARKETING], the end-user DOES NOT consider the email message to be marketing.
phish@access.ironport.comUntagged subject line, but the email message appears to be phishing (designed to acquire user name(s), passwords, credit card info, or other personally identifiable information), or the email message contains malware attachments.

Example of tagged subject lines:

Proverite reputaciju sajta sa koga Vas spamuju:

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